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  2. News
  3. Game Maintenance - Technical Issues Fixed

Game Maintenance - Technical Issues Fixed


After 3 intense hours and 46 cups of coffee, we found the cause of the malfunctions and eliminated it. We once again invite you to the game, and if you encounter an authorization error, be sure to let us know! In any situation, please write to our support team: https://support.ltg.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

But we hope everything will be fine.

Some new players who joined today from Steam might find other characters appearing on their account. Don't be surprised, you can do with them as you see fit, or better yet, delete them entirely.

If you played earlier through the platform, we strongly recommend to continue playing through the ltg.com platform, your characters are located right here. The ability to enter the game from any platform will appear later, we will definitely let you know.

We apologize for the inconvenience and are already preparing compensation for you, which will make up for the missed game time and slightly heal the emotional wounds. And remember, life is feudal!

As compensation for the downtime, anyone who had an active account will receive 7 days of subscription-free from us.