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  3. Kofi Quest: Alpha MOD - Update 0.11.4

Kofi Quest: Alpha MOD - Update 0.11.4

Hi! We're back with a new update (0.11.4).

As you know, we are working on the Nintendo Switch version, so we have been making changes and improvements to the game for a long time. The idea is to include all of those improvements in one giant patch soon, but in the meantime, we've been able to include some of them in the current version of the game. Including cloud save! We hope you like these fixes.

The changes that are included in the new update:

Important changes
  • Cloud save.
  • Fixed various game crashes.
  • Cinematic improvements and new animations.
  • Fixes music configuration that inmproves considerably the sound quality.
  • Improved aim for ranged units. Now they will hit even moving targets. The Bent Bow still have a chance of throwing a bent arrow that will miss its target.

Temporary allies (those who help you only in certain quests)
  • Added visual indicator if a temporary ally is left behind because you get out of the area where they help you.
  • Fixed bug that caused some temporary allies to appear duplicated.
  • Fixed autosave bug that allowed to keep certain temporary allies in areas outside of their assigned quest.
  • Now temporary allies respawn right after a scene change if they were dead in the previous one (this avoids various bugs).

Minor changes
  • Fixed orc apprentice shaman's skill effect that wasn't applying correctly.
  • Fixed bug upon exiting a game during a boss fight and loading another slot.
  • Fixed bug that set infinite range to Kofi in the final boss battle.
  • Fixed bug that allowed the use of the horn right before it was used by the cinematic at Paimon's castle.
  • Fixed bug with Mr. Wisp if BRAT died while using the Will-o'-wisp skill.
  • Fixed bug that could duplicate Mr. Wisp at certain scenes in the Dismal.
  • Units can't die anymore if they receive damage while their HP are increasing due to the effect of a curative item.
  • Removed incorrect "No effect" message when using an item on a character with Spectral body.
  • Fixed bug that prevented non-controllable allies or enemies' skills from showing their icon and description.
  • Fixed bug that spawned incorrect units after saving and loading the game at a specific moment in Paimon's castle.
  • Fixed bug that made units unable to walk around certain trees and made them trip or get stuck while trying to walk through them.
  • Fixed bug that made certain obstacles in Neighborwood to keep showing at advanced points of the game when they shouldn't be there anymore.
  • Fixed bug that allowed the player to reach the first switch in the mole's quest without the mole's help.
  • Fixed Morelia's health the first time you meet her.
  • Fixed cracker's ranged attack.
  • Fixed sounds that were cut abruptly in scene changes.
  • Fixed bug that made Chai alert about an enemy attack while being healed on certain conditions.
  • Fixed camera limits on scenes with wrong configuration.