1. POSTAL 4: No Regerts
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  3. POSTAL 4: No Regerts - 1.1.3 (Hotfix)

POSTAL 4: No Regerts - 1.1.3 (Hotfix)

Implemented loading improvements! Travelling through zap-zones will be much quicker now, around (Around 5-10 seconds per zone) Gamepad Sensitivity settings

Weapon attachments on weapons confiscated or deposited in weapons bins will now be returned to your Inventory
Bloody urine will now have a bloody liquid effect on screen

Going POSTAL Scooter Challenge in Industrial level that would crash the game when activated
Small animation flicker when throwing the Machete
Thrown Sniper Rifle pickup using the wrong texture
Some key icons not displaying correctly in certain languages
Removed the ‘More Options…’ menu as it’s not yet ready for prime time
Emote Wheel not closing in ‘Toggle Mode’
Flying truck in Border level…
Sprinting only working on gamepad
Crash that could sometimes occur on start of Thursday
Crash when being arrested