1. POSTAL 4: No Regerts
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  3. POSTAL 4: No Regerts - Hotfix [1.3.1]

POSTAL 4: No Regerts - Hotfix [1.3.1]

We are thrilled to receive such positive feedback following the release of update 1.3.0! Today, we're rolling out a quick hotfix to address an issue where one of the 'Going POSTAL Challenges' caused the game to crash when activated in the Industrial tile. Additionally, we've made a quick adjustment to how the main menu art functions. We can't wait to share with you the news about the next major POSTAL 4 update, so please stay tuned!

We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support!
Running With Scissors team

The default blue sky art will change to Red when you reach Thursday. After completing the game, it will randomly switch between both

The Scooter 'Going POSTAL Challenge' crashing the game upon activation