1. POSTAL 4: No Regerts
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POSTAL 4: No Regerts News

POSTAL 4: No Regerts - 1.1.3 (Hotfix)

Implemented loading improvements! Travelling through zap-zones will be much quicker now, around (Around 5-10 seconds per zone) Gamepad Sensitivity settings

Weapon attachments on weapons confiscated or deposited in weapons bins will now be returned to your Inventory
Bloody urine will now have a bloody liquid effect on screen

Going POSTAL Scooter Challenge in Industrial level that would crash the game when activated
Small animation flicker when throwing the Machete
Thrown Sniper Rifle pickup using the wrong texture
Some key icons not displaying correctly in certain languages
Removed the ‘More Options…’ menu as it’s not yet ready for prime time
Emote Wheel not closing in ‘Toggle Mode’
Flying truck in Border level…
Sprinting only working on gamepad
Crash that could sometimes occur on start of Thursday
Crash when being arrested

POSTAL 4: No Regerts - 'Let's Get Physical' Update [1.1.2]

Phew, this update took a lot longer to get out than we hoped. We’ll spare you the excuses, thank you for your patience with us, and skip straight to the highlights of what this update contains!
The headliner is the physics pass! While we have more work to do in this area in both improving the physics of the objects, and adding more, there is enough here already for you guys to have some fun kicking stuff around.

Speaking of kicking… we are excited to introduce the drop kick!

There are also errand improvements, AI improvements, UI improvements, new Going POSTAL challenges, mirrors, more interactive environment objects, level design improvements, sound design improvements, a crap ton of bug fixes, and so much more.

We also have many more features and improvements nearly ready that didn’t quite make the cut for this update - we’ll post a developers update regarding all that soon.

Note: We highly recommend starting a new save game for this update. For anyone wishing to use their current saves on update 1.1.1, we’ve added a beta branch for it.

With all that out of the way, feast your eyes on a changelog so long it exceeds Steam's character limit. For the full list of bug fixes, please visit our website: https://runningwithscissors.com/postal-4-no-regerts-lets-get-physical-update-1-1-2/

New Beggar Sign Select UI as well as updated cardboard sign text!

Key Icons for Krotchy Tips and weapon / item hints!

More pickups and NPCs throughout various levels! Ghost Town Shanty Town Zap Zone! One handed reload animations for Kart! New Nitro indicator!

New Kevlar / SiC models! Physics pass!

More, more interactables! Objects such as coin machines, instruments, hand dryers and so on will now have some level of interactability!

Highly requested PIII Gloves to Dude’s outfit! New bystander animations and states! (Pulling out their phones to record, stunned, bumped into, begging and more!) For example, you will now notice when an NPC is injured as they’ll have unique movement cycles

New Going POSTAL Challenges throughout Edensin! (Rock Smasher, Bulls-eye in Ghost Town) Dropkick! Simply run, jump and kick to knock down NPCs!

Progress bar to the Muck Mopper side-errand!

A lot of third-person animations to various weapons! Third-Person Swimming and Climbing animations!

Plenty of decoration textures, billboards, etc. to levels across the game!

Screen blood splatter for close range hits!

NPCs dropping items properly! If an NPC carries more than five items, they will be converted into a backpack pickup, this includes regular items as well as weapons

Unique HUD cosmetic for the Sexy Outfit! Reflex Sight support for the M60! Dual wielding support for the Scissors!

Music and ambient sounds to previously empty / silent areas! Working mirrors!

Reworked the Shovel to perform more closely to Postal 2
Improved and polished all cutscenes in the game that had issues
Improved Border Smuggler errand
Improved Pump Room section of the Sewer errand
Improved reflections in various areas especially the Prison
Removed the impulse absorption so kicks, bullets, and explosions and move ragdolls around
Replaced various placeholder Kunny Island textures
Improved audio sync in cutscenes
Made various navigation improvements
Improved lighting in Affluent area
Improved waypoint behavior: Clicking on the map after placing a waypoint will now remove it
Adjusted Scooter Time Trial times
Cops will now drop handcuffs upon death
Improved the rock climbing area in Kunny Island. Added a unique mesh that’s climbable with a new Going POSTAL Challenge on top of it
Improved the first person unarmed sprint animation
Polished a lot of the third-person animations, added scooter dual-wielding animations
Disabled ability to dual wield Ticketing Device…
Removed the "Hold E to get on vehicle" Improved the interior of Cock Asian
NPC footsteps will now react to dirt, wood and metal
Game Dev Nerd now will sometimes say something when Dude pees in VR
Added Krotchy hint about ability to destroy doors with Sledgehammer in Crypto building
Special outfits will now also be a part of the Clothes Bag item to prevent confusion
Made sure old saves work with the cosmetic items that have been removed
Hid unrelated errand markers when going into a “dungeon” area of Treasure Hunter
Corrected many non-working, incorrectly assigned, and unassigned dialog lines
Reduced redundant dialog lines for better optimization
Goats and Pigs will now have more idle sounds as they walk
Tweaked Reflex Sight LOD so it doesn't look as horrific in FirstPerson view
Removed several duplicate checkpoints in Prison which will get rid of the small stutters when entering cell blocks
Improved the projectiles a bit which should make them more reliably apply physics to ragdolls
The VR widget machines will now have music so they are not dead silent
Optimized first person animations
Added a Rewards texture icon that will appear in a Krotchy Tip which mentions redeeming plushies for rewards
Visually improved a lot of areas in maps, from Residential to Kunny Island

Changed direction of some mansion interior doors for better movement
Improved a ton of product textures
Adjusted Mall audio
Improved the look of decals, especially in Mexico side
Made Bums and Sewer Hobos ignore Offroad and Grass restrictions so they can roam freely
in their outlying areas as intended
Added new squash sounds when NPCs are killed by the boulder, they also scream now too
Improved quality of Wipe Compound map texture
Improved the look of the whole area that leads to the Penitentiary
Overhauled Sign Beggar dialog lines, now correctly set up
Improved collision of more models
Improved the look of rampage trigger descriptions, text will now wrap which will take care of an issue with long descriptions going off screen
Minor pickup placement tweaks throughout whole world tile
Added graffiti to the Prison facade that appears starting Tuesday after the riot. Turned off some lights on prison facade starting Tuesday, hence it looks derelict after the riot
Simplified the Sledgehammer and Mallet removal code to fix some bugs
Updated unarmed turning animation
When you let go of the skip cutscene button, widget will only disappear if progress bar depletes all the way down to 0%. It will no longer stay on screen for the full duration of a cutscene
Improved Cat Dude UI, added a button hint for urethra
Improved lip sync animations
Handcuffing NPCs during the Prison mission will now have a chance for the Warden to pester you about doing a pacifist run
Disabled long bystander conversation lead out lines
Improved / Polished a lot of third-person animations
Unlocked a couple of doors in the Dark Lodge
Updated music and ambient sounds in most areas
Reduced volume of the ads on the Edensin Radio station to balance with the music and DJ banter
Adjusted NPC wait time for Petition
Adjusted the collision of a ground mesh in Shanty Town that was causing the Dude to float a bit
Prison Warden audio improvements in tutorial section
Replaced some NPC routine animations
Blocked off Lost City until Friday
NPCs will be much less likely to spam "decide to fight" line
VR level changes: Little bot will now have music in its menu screen at the end of the run.
When the menu is now opened and closed for both there is a sound attached. When player reaches room at end of violent run music resets to calm music
Spaced out lockers in the tutorial section of Prison Warden errand to have better access to pickups
Smoothed the transition between normal and third person dual wielding animations
Adjusted volume of grocery store music to be louder
Breaking the windows on the Police Station will now play the police station music
Added missing zap-zones
When hitting the dummy with a Padded Baton the Warden will now give banter on being pacifist
Thrown Sledgehammer and Mallet are now automatically equipped if you have empty hands when picked up
Adjusted the foot to have the same screen presence as POSTAL 2’s
Improved the reliability of the kick on ragdolls and gibs
Implemented sprinting animations for all weapons
Player homing rockets will now lead their target

Some lockers not having collision in Prison
Annoying “disco” NPCs
Boss NPCs not having damage immunities implemented properly
Bugged NPC pathfinding around Pistolas y Tacos
Pigeons not flying around in the Penthouse boss room
Various Going POSTAL Challenges not spawning additional NPCs
Clothes Bag not appearing in Items Wheel
Weapon swapping button
HUD bug where a magazine counter was displayed for the Scissors
Odd deformations for classic/robe dude torso
Phone Screen sometimes not accepting any inputs other than ESC
Being able to pick up Gas Cans when full of Gasoline
First Person sleeve clipping with Gas Can animations
Puke splash particle looking a bit janky
Boss Health Bars not disappearing when transitioning from one zone to another
Final boss music janking out if you threw too many Pigeons at him
Issues when entering and exiting VR world
El Plago spawning before Peso Payback errand on Friday
Weapon Wheel button not switching between the Hands and the last weapon used
Desert Eagle aim view offset being slightly off
Buggy Going POSTAL Challenge in Riverside tile
Offset on Dilbow and Grenade suicide
Police Uniform not using the correct "clothes changed" dialogue
Rats not making any sounds when dying
Wanted Meter not increasing as quickly as it should
Few doors opening in wrong direction
P350 and Dilbow not being added to certain loadouts
Scooter speed on low FPS
Bidet Petition errand showing up during POSTAL / Impossible and related difficulty modes
Third person aiming code hitting things behind the player
Music not shutting off when pausing during Fix Race errand
Painting frames for Art Dealer side-errand having interact prompts
Fire Station onlookers not spawning correctly
Going POSTAL Challenge music turning off all other music after completing it
Positioning of phone models in NPCs hands
Fixed pillar sounds not respecting reverb during Treasure Hunter errand
Certain cheats that could be triggered without requiring /sissy
Helicopters not disappearing upon explosion and flame particles staying floating in the air
Janky third-person perspective when scoping in with Sniper Rifle
Toilet water sometimes not turning yellow when you piss in the bowl
Dude completed line when completing Fix Race errand by getting the red scooter to win not correctly using the chosen Dude voice option
Getting stuck in BDSM basement due to keypad status not sticking after loading a save
Collision in a couple houses in Border level that were blocking the windows
A lot of unusable ladders
Handcuff item in Vending Machine
Pressing ESC while in the map causing a waypoint to be added
Some ATMs not spitting out money
Nigh-Impossible difficulty not being nigh-ly as impossible as advertised
NPC reactions to Dead rats and other animals
Ragdolls flying into the air when killed with the weapon wheel open
Players sometimes not respawning correctly after final errand
Crashes related to some of the Going POSTAL Challenges
Weapon attachments not getting bloody or poopy
Stairs disappear too close in Industrial tile
Untextured assets in The Mall
Various issues with boltons clipping
Waypoint connection between Residential and Zag tiles
Foot not getting poopy and/or bloody
Russian subtitles
Beggar Sign and Bidet Petition breaking door windows…
Krotchy Tip notification sound playing during loading screens sometimes
Issue with Apocalypse not triggering after leaving via south exit of shanty town
Being able to access L4 zap zones with scooter
A ton of world escape bugs
Drag outfit clipping with Pistol and P350
Zap zone blockers not appearing correctly after defeating final boss
Auto equipping Grenades or Molotovs when loading a save
Unloaded props in Mexican shop
Wall asset extruding through wall of High Seas hotel
P3 Dude glasses looking jank
Misaligned sitting POI in the Mall
Fixed various issues with the Cheats Menu
M16’s appearance when using sights with cosmetics
Untextured arm and janky blood material outside Spike's doghouse
Floating Rocket Launcher pickup in Industrial crane Rattler puzzle
Being able to fall through the map in Riverside behind Taco Shop
Player being able to pickup melee weapons you already have
Unreachable Golden Larry doll on Ghost Town church roof. It’s been now moved below the church
Various holes in maps
Glass on doors breaking from things like Urine and Gasoline
Invisible prop/blocking volume in “Grove Street” (Commercial level) AK not cutting legs off on a killing shot
Muddy texture on ground in front of Mike J mansion
Subtitles in VR errand
An empty void when trying to go from Ghost Town to Shanty Town
Race assignments on all chameleon skin textures. Lack of bystander variety, incorrect race voice assignment, etc. now addressed
Bug where stationary projectiles overlapping with NPCs didn't explode properly
Officer’s face in Pay Fine intro
Spurt’n’Squirt 9000 not using unique canister skins for different ammo types
Machete not having a default cosmetic class set up
Mallet being unretrievable when the Pawn is on all fours
Missing Tools R Us ladder
Offset on Gas Can firing animation
Janky water shaders in Dark Lodge
Voting machines clipping through booths

Development update and Roadmap 2023/05/04

If you’re reading this then we would like to thank you. From those of you that have sent kind words of support to those that have vented their disappointment with aspects of the game - we’re grateful to have a passionate fan base that has stood by us. We've made a lot of mistakes during P4s development, and are still committed to make it right.

Many of you may have noticed the big 20th Anniversary update for POSTAL 2 the other week, and the release of POSTAL 4 onto PlayStation a few weeks before that. This absolutely does not mean that work on POSTAL 4 has ended, far from it. We’ve been beavering away in the background to continue to see through our vision with the game.

We are working to prepare a new update for PC, which will also hit the PlayStation consoles too at a later date. On that note, if you’re the pre-ordering type - you can order a physical copy of POSTAL 4 for PlayStation by Limited Run Games via Amazon here.

And now, we'd like to talk about what we’ve been focusing on since the last update, and what we’ll be focusing on in the future as part of our roadmap. Please note that not all of these features will come in the next update, but will roll out over the next few months and beyond.

Near future

[h3]Errand improvements![/h3]

Some of the errands can be underwhelming or anticlimactic, while others are okay but are just short of being great, so we’re picking away at making things more interesting across the entire game.

An example of some of the improvements to the Border Smuggler errand. A helicopter now scatters barrels and dropships in more border patrol guards, and the banners now play an animation when they are hit.

Installing parts in the pump room during the Sewer Worker errand now spawns enemies to fight.

You'll notice some level design changes in this area that were made in order to account for new enemy spawns. Furthermore, the changes will also make traversing the pump area much smoother after installing pump parts.

[h3]Making the open world more interesting to explore![/h3]

We’re in the process of opening up more buildings and improving the level design in areas that were previously neglected. More thought has gone into the pickup placement, better rewarding exploration. More Go Postal challenges have been added as a good way to fill out the open world with things to do

The Ghost town area in particular has had many more buildings opened up and details added


Work on co-op is fully underway! Not too much to say other than that it’s being worked on by the author of the ‘Nick’s Co-op’ Workshop mod for POSTAL 2, so you know it’s in good hands.

Spend quality bonding time together with your friends. What happens in the bathroom, stays in the bathroom.

Golden showers are best experienced with people you love most.

[h2]Third person animations![/h2]

We’ve been working on improvements to the third person animations for the Dude, mostly due to us needing them for co-op. The upshot of this is the third person camera view will end up better off due to them. While TP is still currently experimental, we do hope to one day make it more polished and support it more officially.


Don’t want to play in third person but still want to see third person animations? Well soon you'll be able to - in mirrors! That’s right, a feature that was in our game from 2003 makes a triumphant return 20 years later in POSTAL 4!


Speaking of features missing in P4 from a game we made 20 years ago… physics are also actively being worked on.


[h3]UI Polish![/h3]

We’ve given an art pass to some of the lamer aspects of the UI, such as the beggar sign board. Every little helps!

Before ːsteamfacepalmː

After ːsteamhappyː

[h3]PIII Dude Hand Skins![/h3]

Highlighting this here because it's a much requested feature, so here you go!

If it's important to you, it's important to us

Medium Term

[h3]Loading times![/h3]

We have identified various things we can do in order to improve loading times both on first boot and between loading zones. These improvements probably won’t make the next update, but we’ll aim to have them addressed in the coming months.

[h3]DLSS / FSR![/h3]

In our ongoing effort to keep improving performance, we will be looking into implementing the latest Upscalers from AMD and Nvidia.

Further out

[h3]Workshop support![/h3]

The modding community is very important to us, and we aim to make P4 as enjoyable to mod for as possible. This will take a bit of time in order to get the back end tidied up and features documented, but it will be worth the wait.

[h3]Native Linux Client![/h3]

While proton does a great job at running P4 on SteamDeck and Linux Desktops in general, performance is left on the table vs a native client. No timeframe for when we’ll get to this, but we want to make it happen.

POSTAL 4: No Regerts - 'All the Kinks' Update [1.1.1]

Hey POSTAL fans!

This update has been a long time coming, and we’re excited to bring you some new content! Some highlights are:

The penetrator from POSTAL: Brain Damaged has been lovingly recreated in POSTAL 4 for this update! As a fan scolded us in a comment somewhere for missing the opportunity to call it ‘The Dilbow’ in Brain Damaged, we’ve righted that wrong here. You can even pin NPCs to walls with it!

Handcuffing NPCs is now an option. While abusing your power as a cop generally involves good ‘ol police brutality, the pacifists among you will enjoy whipping the cuffs out and doing things the more humane way.

The Dude models were some of the first made for the game back when we started development - and as a result were a little rough, so we’ve given them a full makeover.

We have added subtitles for more languages, as well as localizing the menus fully for all previous languages. We've also fixed issues with repeated and non-existing subtitles. Some issues may persist, so feel free to report them to us.
List of supported languages as of this update:
English, Spanish, German, Russian, Polish, French, Italian, Japanese and Simplified Chinese

As there are so many customization options for The Dude to express himself with, we’ve added a clothing bag to keep all non-vital mission items nice and tidy.

There is now a fancy new categorized cheat menu to spare you needing to look them up and input them into the console (Unlocks after finishing the game on any difficulty)

We've fixed a ton of bugs this update, most notably the game crashing when reaching the end of a pacifist run, and the memory leak/massive lag people were getting later in the game when opening the map (after we finally tracked down the cause of the issue thanks to community feedback).

Work on optimization continues. We’ve reduced system memory usage quite a bit and the install footprint of the game has been reduced by a further 5 gigs to around 18 gigs (especially good news for you 64GB Steam Deck owners!).

Full list of updates below.

Thank you for the continued support!

Running With Scissors Team

New Dude third person, first person models and textures! (For all cosmetic variations)

The Dilbow!


Clothes Bag! In order to reduce the clutter in the inventory, we’ve implemented a new item, opening it will display a UI from which you will be able to select / equip your cosmetic skins. Note: Gameplay Outfits such as Cop and Drag Outfits will still be their own separate items in your inventory

More camera animations to weapon reloads!

Proper map markers for all Scooter and Kart stations!

Music to Fix Race errand! (More to come)

Cheats Menu! You can unlock it by beating the game on any difficulty

Rustling sounds to bushes and damaging cacti!

Progress bar during loading screens!

Localized Main Menu text to various languages!

More subtitle languages!

New RWS intro!

More items around levels. Bystanders to empty areas as well as homeowners to empty homes!

Code hints above Mini-Map for Prison errand!

Added the correct phone notification for the Time Trial side-quest!

Collectible preferences Setting!. You will now be able to choose whether you’d like to see a full pickup animation and hear a doll line when picking up a collectible or have it act like a regular ammo / item pickup with no extra animation / voice line

Improved collision of more models

Reduced the memory consumption of many textures

Moved the End Of Day Wednesday Bell to a correct area

Optimisation in Commercial level

Improved fall damage

Improved the look of Phil / Lil’s clothing selection UI

Improved transition between Residential and The Zag tiles

Improved rigging on Cat Arms

Changed the scale of Dude character, he’s now taller than NPCs

Scooter Challenge will now show up on the Errands Tab

Improved Microtransaction / Lootbox UIs in VR errand

Improved collision of vehicle models

Improved various game world textures in various areas (Info boards, sale signs, etc.)

Updated map screen with better controller support

Toned down the jumping camera swing a bit

Players will now be able to skip Hate Group reveals

On-screen phone corner notifications now play the notification sound instead of the P2 radar buzz

Improved optimisation of Sewer water

Improved Third Person jumping animations

Replaced Cat Rocket animation with a better looking one

Improved Rat’s attack logic, added leap attack

Boss’ health will now reset on player death

Changed the look of Elevator Lever and bottom floor button in Treasure Hunter errand, so that it’s easier to see what to do

Player controller Rocket Cats will now explode on impact with Police Helicopters

Increased the speed on the Chain Sickle and Weight projectiles a bit

Major lag on Map Screen

Chain Sickle projectile persisting when swapping ends

Subtitle spam when skipping cutscenes

Some subtitles for Game Dev Nerd not appearing

Sewer nag timer so the Foreman will bother you less

Scissors Ammo pickup not giving out the Scissors weapon

Implemented failsafe for camera very, very rarely locking in place during the Scooter Race

Various holes in terrain that would cause player to fall off the world

A lot of pop-in in various levels

Not being able to fire to skip the pump-action Shotgun’s reload

Bribing mechanic in Kunny Island, now it’ll work properly with Kunny and Carter

Landing animation being noticeably delayed most of the time

Weapon attachments becoming permanently hidden when holstering

Dialog line not playing during Tag Turf errand

Heatseeking Rockets not working against Police Helicopters

NPCs not playing their exiting animations when disturbed out of interest point

Shady Art Dealer’s mouth not moving when speaking

Weapon clipping in First Person view

Default Dude clothing in cutscenes

Ingram not firing automatically when wielded with the Bidet Petition

A bunch of issues with cutscenes

Kunny Island power boxes not taking explosive damage

M16’s rear sight not being removed when using the ACOG sight

Twitching on certain running animations

A great amount of mapping bugs reported by the community

Taser Ammo Upgrade not dealing enough damage to ragdoll people

Desert Eagle’s slide being locked back for NPCs

Death Volumes not properly killing the player

Bums using old cosmetic variations, replaced with better versions

Janky ticket appearance on car models

Spurt’n’Squirt light spawning somewhere in Residential area

Inverted Look bug with controllers

Broken Rat movement in Sewers

Border Smuggler slingshot reloading not working sometimes

Pigeons freezing in certain cases

Scrolling with Left Stick not working on LifePeeper page

Fixed messy AI in Border Smuggler

Police and other special NPCs not counting toward Going POSTAL challenges in some cases

Being able to duplicate ammo with drop boxes

Animal’s OnFire behavior

Water physics in various areas

Machete not dismembering correctly / not causing blood to spill out

Nagging lines overtaking mission lines during Tag Turf errand

Nagging lines playing during cinematics in Tag Turf errand

The Coaster Fanatic in Kunny Island

Issue with subtitle system displaying empty subtitles

Crash when player would look at a protestor

Friday Apocalypse errand sometimes not triggering

Cart rides not resetting after AI exits ride

The breakable wall in Sewers having broken lighting

Few potential progress blockers in Fix Race errand

Animal Catcher van not disappearing after Animal Catcher errand

POSTAL 4: No Regerts - Development Update

Hey everyone!

We hit some hurdles while preparing for the console release that lead to some regressions that we are currently working out. As it’s been a while, we did at least want to give you a peak as to what you can expect from the next (but not final) update.

New weapon - The Penetrator!

Civvie asked for it, so how could we not? The Penetrator bow from Brain Damaged has been lovingly recreated in P4! Unlike its Brain Damaged counterpart - It can shoot far more than floppy Rubber objects.

New powerup - Handcuffs!

While abusing your power as a cop generally involves good ‘ol police brutality, the pacifist among you will enjoy whipping the cuffs out and doing things the more humane way

New and improved Dude models!

The Dude models were some of the first made for the game back when we started development, and they didn’t get updated when we implemented the new NPC models. That will soon change with all dude models seeing some improvements

Improved localizations!

We have added subtitles for more languages, as well as localizing the menus fully for all previous languages. We've also fixed issues with repeated and non-existing subtitles. Some issues may persist, so feel free to report them to us.

List of supported languages as of the next update will be:
English, Spanish, German, Russian, Polish, French, Italian, Japanese and Simplified Chinese

Cheat menu!

Fancy new categorized cheat menu to spare you needing to look them up and input them into the console

Clothing Bag!

As there are so many customization options for The Dude to express himself with, we’ve added a clothing bag to keep all non-vital mission items nice and tidy.

And the rest…

A full changelog will be provided on release, for now take a brief summary.

  • Cacti now cause pain when bumped into
  • Bushes now rustle when walked through
  • Lots and lots of bug fixes
  • Fixes for some areas where players could get soft locked
  • Lots of crash fixes
  • More optimizations
  • System memory usage has been reduced and will generally not exceed 8 gigs
  • The install footprint of the game has been brought down a further 5 gigs to around 18gb
  • Pacifist ending now plays correctly
  • Some other quality of life improvements such as being able to skip the hate group reveals
  • Added Music to the Fix Race errand
  • Added fall damage (it’s pretty leniant, but more than the nothing that it was before)
  • Improved controller support

Thank you for your continued support,

Running With Scissors Team