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  2. News
  3. Slapshot Rebound: Prepare for launch!

Slapshot Rebound: Prepare for launch!

Hi everyone,

We're only a few months away from Slapshot: Rebound's release right now!
An exact date will be announced closer to its release. We're super excited and hope you are too!

There are a few things you can do to get ready (or even get in!).

Wishlist the game on Steam

This is super duper important. A lot of wishlists will result in greater visibility, you will also be notified whenever the game launches so you don't miss out on the day 1 experience!

You can wishlist by clicking 'Add to your Wishlist' below or using the URL:


Let us hear your suggestions / wishes

THE most important thing about Slapshot is its community. Yes, you! We'd love to hear what you'd like to see in the game. We have a cool tool to do this: https://slapshot.nolt.io/.

We've taken many suggestions from the community so far and implemented these in the game. This tool also provides a roadmap of the suggested things

Participate in key giveaways

You can still get in early!
We're giving away dozens of keys nearly every day on Discord: discord.gg/slapshot
Keep an eye on our Twitter for keys: twitter.com/slapshotgg
Occasionally I'll be giving away keys on Twitch: twitch.tv/erveon

Get in immediately through Patreon

If you simply can't wait and want to help us out in the process, you can sign up on Patreon for access. This comes with a few more cool perks for our dear supporters: patreon.com/slapshotgame

We're looking forward to seeing you on the ice, slapper!

Much love,
Erveon @ Oddshot Games