1. Starship EVO
  2. News
  3. [New build - DEFAULT] 24w014a: More achievements

[New build - DEFAULT] 24w014a: More achievements

The player animation has been improved.
New achievements have been added:

It's a-me, Mario!
Link a reactor to a tank with pipes.

For Future Reference
Export a blueprint.

Upload a blueprint to the workshop.

Put a ring on it!
Visit the planetary rings of a gas giant.

Beam me up, Scotty!
Use a Teleporter for the first time.

Thar be treasure
Mine 10 crystals.

Light this candle!
Complete your first spaceship and reach space!

Green Energy
Produce 1000 e/s on a entity with only wind or solar.

Fort Knox - ha - it's for tourists!
Stash 1000L of gold ingots in a container.

Dangerously Elite
Spend 5 minutes travelling in Lightcruise.

Now we're cruising!
Spend 30 minutes travelling in Lightcruise.

Ludicrous Speed!
Spend 120 minutes travelling in Lightcruise.

A small step...
Step on another world.

I am going on an adventure!
Step on 10 different planets.

All these worlds are yours...
Step on 50 different planets.

#5689 #5680 Player ejected from seat when exiting
#5693 Player alignment issue on elevator