1. Tennis Elbow 4
  2. News
  3. Version 0.92 - Build 128 ; SubBuild 2024.4.10

Version 0.92 - Build 128 ; SubBuild 2024.4.10

Here's another regular update with important bug fixes as well as the possibility of tuning the Dynamic Animation system.

I hope you'll enjoy it ! :-)

[h2]New Features :[/h2]
- Animation : you can now damper or turn off the Dynamic Animation system, which alters the strike animations (more info => https://www.managames.com/Forum/topic15-35348.php )

[h2]Changes :[/h2]
- Strikes : the slice was too fast when having low consistency
- Strikes : slightly increased the loss of precision when returning a slice
- Strikes : lowered the maximum possible topspin when having a very low power (to avoid weird moonballs for Junior players)
- Strikes : slightly raised the racket sweet spot size while moving, so it's now a bit easier to strike the ball on the run

[h2]Bug Fixes :[/h2]
- World Tour : in fictional years, the ranks were getting all messed up when some real players had manual rankings, leading to unknown players being way too strong
- AI : when doing a safe strike, the CPU could advance too much into the court
- Strikes : the drop shot speed could be too slow when done very crossed, leading to a too-high trajectory
- Online : when doing a rematch, the stadium for the client was reset to his own settings, instead of the host's stadium
- Online : The NAT punch-through when having different private & public ports was not working (it can happen when you share your router with a lot of people ; eg: at university)

=== Mana Games ===