1. Smalland: Survive the Wilds
  2. News
  3. Smalland: Survive The Wilds Coming to Meta Quest VR May 2nd!

Smalland: Survive The Wilds Coming to Meta Quest VR May 2nd!

Smalland: VR is coming directly to your tiny faces


After the launch of Smalland: Survive the Wilds, now it’s time to bring Smalland to players in an all new VR experience!

Pre-order now on metaquest!

And make sure to check out this FAQ about the game!

Scavenge or refine resources to construct encampments with multiple material tiers, from wood to stone. Build your own permanent structure safely at the top of your very own Great Tree.

Pick up your builder’s hammer at the workbench and craft the various weapons, armour sets and tools that’ll aid your survival in this vast, dangerous world.

Experience a world ruled by giant insects, arachnids and more. Some take kindly to strange beings in their territory, others do not. Tame and customise creatures to join your stable and take arms against enemies - this world and its inhabitants are yours to conquer.

Adventure through a land forgotten by time, with ancient relics from a long-forgotten era. Traverse stone sewers, sandy beaches, winding tunnels and dense caverns as you explore the land of the giants.