1. Species: Artificial Life, Real Evolution
  2. News

Species: Artificial Life, Real Evolution News
  • Added localizable strings and tooltips for emotion names, descriptions and adjectives.
  • Added localizable strings for a large number of AI routine names, as utilized by the thought logger
  • Added localizable strings for energy delta’s, shown on the “Energy” details tab
  • Added missing localizable strings on the Customize Creatures menu page
  • Added missing localizable strings for creature behavior states.
  • Added missing localizable strings for temperature reporting

If you’ve been translating the game (shout out to s.t.andgo and magmacube!), you’ll find all these new strings appended to the bottom of “Species ALRE\Language\en-AU.txt”. Copy them into your own language txt file to begin translating. And also, thank you!

  • Fixed an egg-related crash that happened when loading a game. Experimental


  • Tentative fix for a creature teleportation bug associated with pouncing attacks.
  • Main menu buttons are now localizable (they don’t look quite as good as before, but it’s not too bad).
  • Fix a crash when tutorial header text is translated into any other language.
  • Added language name to the localization strings.
  • Fix some typo’s in the English localization.

  • Tentative fix for MacOS version crashing on startup.
  • Fix creatures inside eggs in the nursery dying before they hatch.
  • Fix imported creatures dying as soon as they are imported.
  • Fix a number of localization errors introduced in

Where to next? - 0.15.0

Lately I've been moving towards fatigue, sleep, temperature and exposure to the elements all needing to be much more important survival needs than they are right now. Let's put all of these mechanics under the umbrella of 'habitat'. Eventually, habitat will be almost as significant as food as far as survival and selection pressures go, one they will need to balance against seeking food in order to survive long enough to reproduce.

Unfortunately, I find the current vegetation model wholly inadequate to support my plans for this stuff. It has failed me for the last time. So it's time to take what I've learned, throw the whole system into a volcano, and build a cleaner, more elegant and far more ambitious replacement.

Here's the design goals for the new system, in rough order of priority:

[h2]The tree's need to be 3 dimensional structures.[/h2]
Multiple 3d interaction points for fruit, foliage, shelter, perches and nests.

[h2]The tree types need to serve a purpose in the ecosystem.[/h2]
Shelter tree's should not provide food and food tree's should not provide shelter. This will allow me to ensure the two do not generally grow in the same location.

[h2]The tree's need to be performant.[/h2]
They're not the centerpiece of the simulation: their role doth not merit that they drink deeply from the fountain of FPS.

[h2]The tree's should evolve.[/h2]
Evolving tree's is probably the second most requested feature, after flight. It was always planned, though never as a centerpiece of the game.

So, let's discuss!

You can read the rest of this post over here, on the development blog. released to experimental is now live on the experimental branch. This update does not include any gameplay changes, but instead enables the creation of localization mods and introduces new music.

See the blog post here: https://speciesdevblog.wordpress.com/2022/10/10/0-14-2-0-released-to-experimental/

The three new music tracks were made by discord user Poliostasis. Changelog

* Fix a memory leak introduced in that was causing an escalating series of freezes, ultimately leading to the game becoming non-responsive.