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  2. News
  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! - Anniversary Update

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! - Anniversary Update

Hi ! I hope you are all doing great ! Pure Rock Crawling is celebrating its 6th birthday !

First things first, a few improvements to the gameplay. Thanks to everybody who caught a few things that were not right with the tutorial. Several things piled up and caused problems in completing the tutorial and proceeding to the game:
  • When resetting location to the trailer a reference to the vehicle was being lost, that caused inability to complete other tasks. That is now fixed.
  • You couldn't access the garage if the previous notification window was not closed/confirmed. It is fixed now.
  • Also discovering the trailer required engaging with it to proceed - that seemed unnecessary so it now only requires discovering it.
To avoid these situations in the future, you can now skip the tutorial completely while starting a new game.

If you happen to find any other issues please let me know in the forums.

There are several known issues that I am currently working on, like (but not limited to) vehicles losing power when turning left, weak brakes and other gamepad/wheel related bugs. This should be temporarily fixed but I am in the middle of reworking the whole system for binding steering wheel inputs as it has a conflict with the gamepad inputs causing bugs like these. So the fix should be here soon. As of right now, you might need to rebind your wheel inputs for: steering, throttle, brake and clutch. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Alongside the above mentioned fixes I am working on a new map. It's coming along nicely, but still needs some work.

To sum up, this was quite a year. From drivetrain and physics updates that improved the simulation side of gameplay, through new challenges, missions, garage for modifying your trucks, to a new map. Everything topped with the complete redesign of the UI. I am very happy with every improvement and will work hard to add more. I know that not every aspect of the game works for everyone but I am reading all of your reports, issues and suggestions. Thanks to you Pure Rock Crawling is constantly evolving into a better game, big thanks ! I am going straight back to work on the next update, stay tuned !

Cheers and take care !