2. News
  3. New Shade Plushie

New Shade Plushie

Dear inhabitants of the caves,

I received many demands to make a new plushie. Today is the day! The new one is almost the same as the old plushie, with one major change: It's the happy version of the Shade, sporting its trademark smile. Alternatively, if you already own the previous Shade plush, you can use the new one to represent Angst/The Darkness.

The ordering works like a Kickstarter campaign: If enough people pre-order (200 pre orders are needed), the plushie will be produced. Else, everyone will get a refund.

EDIT: The funding goal has been reached, so the plushie will definitely get made!

Here's the link to the shop:

The campaign has started on January 2nd and will run for three weeks. Time is ever fleeting, so is the Shade plushie. After the campaign ends, there will be no way to buy them anymore.

Let's hope we can make it again!
