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  3. Mighty Guardian Returns: Sales & Events ‘til May 2

Mighty Guardian Returns: Sales & Events ‘til May 2

A Mighty Guardian has returned to the fray, along with plenty of incredible sales and events! Until May 2, complete Doctrine Challenges, grab vintage Units, and claim treasures from the Mighty Guardian Attire Chest.
[h2]Mighty Guardian Attire Chest[/h2]
The Mighty Guardian Attire Chest has a chance of containing a unique Weapon Skin, endowing the power of Poseidon himself in the form of unique visual effects for the Shore’s Edge Pike. The Chest is also bursting with Attire and other items for you to claim.

[h2]Doctrine Challenges[/h2]
Put yourself to the test for Doctrines from now until May 2! Complete challenges to progress through Free and Premium stages and receive rewards, including exclusive Doctrines for the new Seasonal Units from Conqueror’s Blade: Dragonrise—Feathered Crossbowmen, Wuwei Mansion Guard, and Xuanjia Heavy Cavalry.
[h2]70% Off Unit Bundles[/h2]
Grab Units from Highlanders and Paragons at 70% off, and command retro corps on the battlefield.

The blessings of the Mighty Guardian leave us on May 2, so be sure to complete your challenges or get Attire Chests and Unit Bundles in time!