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  3. Playtest information and controls

Playtest information and controls

Hi. It's finally time for playtest.

I will start allowing player in very soon but not all at once.
Feedback and reporting of bugs is very welcome. Best is to report them on discord but if you are not part of the community you can post them here.

Known issues

Issue: Push to talk with motion controllers are not working
Workaround: Don't use PTT

Issue: Hands get stuck floating in air.
Should not affect anything else than visuals.

Issue: Parts of tanks are driving around when in the "killcam"
Will be fixed later


[h3]Camera control when not playing in VR[/h3]
Look around: Left Alt + Mouse / Right analog stick
Move head side/up/down: MMB + Mouse / [HOLD] Right analog stick + Right analog stick
Move head forward/backwards: Scroll / [HOLD] Right analog stick + Left/Right triggers

[h3]Keyboard and mouse[/h3]
Change position: 1,2,3
Crew voip (Push to talk): G
Menu: Esc
Reset camera: R
Show score: Tab

Driver and commander hatch: F
Driver Drive: WASD
Driver change gear: Q and E

Gunner Main gun: LMB/Space
Gunner MG: RMB
Gunner Aim: Mouse / WASD
Gunner faster aim with mouse: F

Commander Air support: Hold E, Aim, LMB
Commander map: Q

[h3]Gamepad (xbox)[/h3]
Change position: D-pad forward/left/right
Crew voip (Push to talk): B
Menu: Start
Reset camera: Y
Show score: Back

Driver and commander hatch: X
Driver Throttle/Brake: Right trigger/Left Trigger
Driver change gear: Left bumper/Right bumper

Gunner Main gun: Right trigger
Gunner MG: Left trigger
Gunner Aim: Left analog stick
Gunner full speed turret: Left/Right bumper
Gunner faster aim with mouse: X

Commander Air support: [Hold] Right bumper, Aim, Right trigger
Commander map: Left bumper

[h3]Motion controllers[/h3]
Please see the steam controller bindings (https://steamcommunity.com/games/250820/announcements/detail/3809361199426010680)
Throttle/Brake/Shoot: Triggers
Interact: Grab