1. Steel Crew
  2. News
  3. Scenario editor added to the game.

Scenario editor added to the game.

The editor allows you to create your own scenarios. Add or remove capture points, spawn positions or change the game type.
The plan for the future is that this editor will also allow for coop missions.
The user interface is not very user-friendly and I hope to improve on that moving forward.

Only the host needs to have the scenario files but feel free to share them. There is no workshop integration so this is what you will have to do:
Navigate to where you installed the game. All scenario files are stored in “\SteelCrew\Content\Scenarios\” The ones that comes with the install is called “1default.txt”, “2wakeisland.txt” and “3training.txt”. Let’s say you name your scenario “MyTest” then you should have a “MyTest.txt” file here that you can send. If you want to add a scenario someone else has sent you you will have to add the file here.

[h2]How to use the editor:[/h2]
Scenario name: Set a display name so when hosting you know what you have selected.

Description: A short description of what the scenario is.

Capture points can be added, moved, rotated and scaled. When the game mode is “tug of war” the order they are in will determine in what order they are allowed to be captured in. Each point has a flag that should be placed close to the center of the point.

Ai targets are always connected to a capture point and when playing with bots, this is where they will try to go.

Spawn points can be set to team A or B and the ranks will spawn in the orientation of the spawn point. They should be connected to a capture point if the game mode is “tug of war”. A minimum of 4 spawn points per team is recommended with some space in between.