1. WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition
  2. News
  3. Patch v1.1.1g Released!

Patch v1.1.1g Released!

v1.1.1g - Released 12 February 2024

* Unlockable coats (formerly called NPC coats). Now when you raise a pup with one of these coats, that coat is unlocked in Wolf Customization after you generate the summertime Family Tree snapshot. (Only works in new games, not retroactive. There are some cheat-prevention methods in place so you can't share wolf saves with other players to let them unlock a coat.)

* Among real wolves, males are more likely to disperse to find a mate. Females are more likely to stay in their natal (family) pack. We have added this behavior to the game. So now, when looking for a mate, you'll find more males in the dispersal groups, and more females interested in courtship in rival packs. A red heart icon on the compass indicates courtable wolves (when they howl back) and on the Scent View panel.

* Multiplayer map moving: You can now move to another Yellowstone map in multiplayer games.

* A few pup coats have changed a bit, retroactively (to get better matches in the pup-to-adult coat sequence in the Saga).
* Persistent Pack code was refactored to make it more robust, which should not have any changes except as noted here, but might create new bugs, please report if you see any!
* Yearlings are now called Yearlings until their second birthday -- but they can potentially disperse before that birthday. (Previously they changed to Subordinates at 18 months of age, to allow dispersing, due to a limitation in the code.)
* Reduced rival pack aggressiveness after player intrudes into their territory from 24 hour cooldown to 8 hours. (So you can return much sooner if you're trying to court a pack wolf.)
* Reduced odds of dispersal wolf finding another dispersal as mate (to reduce dispersal churn).
* Increased odds of mortality for older wolves in rival packs. (Should also make packs a bit more likely to disband periodically.)
* Improvements to 9F coat.
* Adjusted odds of certain wolf coats higher or lower.
* Persistent Packs: Added a delay before widowed pack leaders can find a new mate.
* Wolf nametags are now controlled independently from HUD, using N key to toggle on/off
* Multiplayer: If player goes AFK while in den, their wolf automatically exits the den so as not to prevent game progress.
* Multiplayer: Greatly reduced the number of dispersal wolves in non-Story games (since they aren't needed and can get annoying).
* Increased minimum number of dispersal wolves on each map at any given time.
* Added info about dispersal differences to Find a Mate: Tips text.
* Controller: Enabled auto-scroll when using controller to navigate in Known Wolves panel.
* Controller: Improvements to controller navigation of Known Wolves panel.
* Controller: All Tab menu buttons remain visible now, with highlight of the one selected, to help with navigating the tab buttons.
* Controller, switching tabs with shoulder buttons navigates to left/right from selected button.
* Female wolf doesn't look pregnant after going from Establish Territory to Find a Den quest.
* Player-wolf is invisible in scent view when switched to Carmella mode.
* Game stalls when in Reminisce mode and trying to jump ahead to next year (which should not be possible).
* Player-wolf can go beyond the map border when bite-holding prey, which can lead to a long forced-walk back into the map afterwards.
* Multiplayer: Pups repeatedly playbowing the wrong parent when they switch to an absent favorite parent.
* Multiplayer: On Known Wolves panel, dead pack wolves are not synced correctly.
* Longer pack names are truncated on the World Map legend.
* Controller: Can't access Departed Wolves section on Known Wolves panel.
* Known Wolves: Yearlings can die when pack disbands even if old enough to disperse,
* Persistent Packs: Rival packs don't disband (or see other changes) if player has reached the end-date of the current quest.
* Persistent Packs: Unborn pups not removed from rival pack when it disbands.
* Persistent Packs: Unborn pups are not removed from rival pack if female breeder dies.
* Light rain audio is too quiet.
* Mate pathfinding issue near Lost River (DLC) ghost town den.
* When moving to another map with a trial mate, trial period ends automatically when arriving at the other map.
* Lost River DLC: In wintertime, an invisible floor in coffeeshop is higher than the visible floor.
* Known Wolves: Unborn pups immediately grow into yearlings.
* File sync throws an error if manually triggered again while already in progress.
* Pup said to have starved to death when it was really killed (in rare situation).
* Controller: Physical keyboard doesn't work when renaming mate or pup.
* Dispersal wolves go into ranch area.
* Can get stuck underground after certain sequence of events and map-moving in Find Den quest.
* Error after a dispersal NPC group fought a territory NPC group and won.
* Error when loading saves from a short period of 2021.
* Known Wolves: Dispersals can return to a natal pack that no longer exists.
* Error thrown when trying to delete many save games
* Pathfinding issues at several dens.
* Typo in rival pack name.
* Various terrain issues.


See all patch notes here.