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  3. Patch v1.1.2b Released!

Patch v1.1.2b Released!

v1.1.2b - Released 15 April 2024
* In Hellroaring Mountain, the Enchanted Dreams achievement had two problems: The visual effect of the Enchanted Forest area extended out farther than the achievement trigger zone, so you might think you were in the right area but wouldn't get the achievement after sleeping. And the wrong dream images were used. This is corrected now, and if you've already unlocked this achievement, you can go back to the Enchanted Forest anytime and sleep to see the correct special dreams.

* Reduced number of wolverines on the map a bit.

* Reduced persistence of competitors at carcasses (had increased that a bit recently).

* Two dens (both with a dead log above the dirt hole) had the same ID, which caused problems when loading saves: Den Memory only recognized one of the two, and your mate and pups would sometimes decide that they belonged at the other den and head off cross-country towards it. This is fixed now, but may cause some problems still when loading those saves.
* Enchanted Dreams achievement uses wrong set of dream images.
* NPC wolves can fall off of bridges.
* Pup pathfinding troubles at several dens.
* Invisible dirt mound collider at one den.
* Some dirt dens become invisible at too close of a distance.
* On Basic Sky & Vegetation mode: Several dense clusters of trees.
* Minor visual issues with den holes.
* Scent post on southwest hex is beyond border. (Fixed in new games.)
* Tall grass patches in a few unhelpful spots.
* Various terrain, vegetation, and water issues.
* Foxes are not afraid of wolverines.

* In Lost River DLC map, several achievements that involve sleeping don't work.
* Multiplayer: After host transfer, new host's wolf is cloned.
* Sometimes mate goes into den and comes back out repeatedly.
* Typos.