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Metric Racer News


Metric Racer is taking part again this year in the Indie Racers Festival that is running Sept 1st to 4th! Hope on over to the Indie Racers Discord to check out all the games and streams!

There’s some big additions this year with Metric being available on a new platform on itch.io! To coincide with the new platform launch, we’ve migrated the custom tracks from Steamworks to a cross platform backend which allows everyone to share their tracks using which ever platform they’d like!


In honour of the new cross platform backend we’ll be hosting a track editor jam over the indie racers festival! Enter for a chance of your track being featured on the new site!


Keep a close eye as a new release is just around the bend!

This is a passion project, and I’m grateful for everyone who has played Metric over the years and given feedback! It’s still evolving and growing but is getting closer and closer to my vision every day.

Keep in the loop with everything going on or chat with me over on Discord! Until then, I’ll see you all on the track.

V0.9.2 - Cross Platform Track Sharing Out Now + Indie Racers Fest '23

Version 0.9.2 of Metric Racer is out now with an overhauled cross platform track sharing backend!

Cross Platform Track Sharing

With 0.9.2 players will now be able to share their tracks between any platform that Metric runs on. This means if you create a track on Steam you can share it with your friends playing on Itchio.

Head over to the updated website and check out the currently posted tracks! I've migrated the custom tracks that are currently in Steam workshop over. Additional features such as rating and direct downloading will become available in the future,

[h2]Steam Workshop Support[/h2]
This does mean that I'll be sunsetting the Steam Workshop support. This is so that players aren't segmented or walled off from playing and sharing with players on other platforms!

Indie Racers Fest '23

Metric Racer is taking part again this year in the Indie Racers Festival that is running Sept 1st to 4th!

In honour of the new cross platform backend we’ll be hosting a track editor jam over the indie racers festival! Enter for a chance of your track being featured on the new site!

See You Out There

This is a passion project, and I'm grateful for everyone who has played Metric over the last year and given feedback! It's still evolving and growing but is getting closer and closer to my vision every day.

Keep in the loop with everything going on or chat with me over on Discord! Until then, I'll see you all on the track.


This weekend, Aug 26th-29th, the Indie Racers Festival is in full swing! Try out different fast paced indie games and check out some of the recent changes in Metric Racer!


Join the Virtex Discord or follow on Twitter to keep in the loop when some racing and dev sessions will be streamed this weekend through Steam and Twitch!


I re-wrote a large portion of the rendering engine and shader code along with a big addition of graphics settings to help with performance. After a lot of testing on un-plugged laptops running integrated gpus, I can now say Metric runs a lot faster on lower end machines. If you have any questions or are still hitting issues, please reach out through Discord!

UI/UX Refresh

The UI/UX was initially done for mouse and keyboard support, but with the release of the Steam Deck I've started porting systems over to work smoother with a controller. The first big change was the main UI, which you can see in the gif below. What do you think? Are there other suggestions or improvents you'd like to see in the UI/UX department? Let me know!

See You Out There

As always, thank you for taking the time to play Metric! This is a passion project, and I'm grateful for everyone who has played Metric over the last year and given feedback!

Keep in the loop with everything going on or chat with me over on Discord! Until then, I'll see you all on the track.

V0.9.1 - Steam Racing Fest, New Regions, Big Visual and Racing Improvements!!

Metric Racer is in the Steam Racing Fest and with it I'm releasing version 0.9.1! New Region, Big Visual Improvements and the first of many brand New Tracks!

Steam Racing Fest

To celebrate all the great racing games out on Steam, the Steam Racing Fest is going on now! Metric Racer is participating and is currently at 70% off! I'll be streaming through parts of this week as part of it!

New Region, New Tracks

A New Region is taking shape in the Outer Colonies. The first track released is Juno City, the first settlement into the Frontier of the Sol system. This track combines portals, city racing and terrain navigation into a dynamic and engaging race. The new enviromental flying cars, volumetric fog and improvements to glass and skybox shaders all add a new layer of detail and life to the tracks. Check out the first look here:

Instead of dumping a number of tracks all at once I'm going to be releasing them 1 at a time to take the communities feedback on them. The Track Editor has had a number of improvements since the initial launch and I want to make that feedback loop a lot tighter! Follow me over on twitter to give your feedback!

Racer and Visual Improvements

I've reworked and done another pass at a number of different systems in the game.

[h2]Racer Tuning[/h2]
Initially the racers were glued to the tracks and it gave a very rigid feel to the racers. I've gone back and added a full physics spring-mass calcluation on top of the physics body calculations. This gives a far better anti-grav feel.

[h2]What Time is it?[/h2]
Crossing the finish line you'll see your +/- with other racers on the field. You'll know how much of a lead you have or how much you'll need to make up on that next lap!

[h2]Level Enviroments[/h2]
I've begun adding more enviromental items in the editor to give more life to the levels. The first addition is flying cars as you can see here along with better volumetric fog. Expect to see more choices for items which help levels feel alive along with better visual enhancements.

[h2]Mind The Gap[/h2]
I've added a number of bug fixes to the track editor, but one major addition is the ability to close gaps. By selecting two end track nodes and then pressing [Ctrl + B] you'll close the gab between two track pieces. This ads a lot more flexibility to the tracks themselves. One note though is you'll still need to re-work the AI nodes as you'd like.

[h2]Level Refreshes[/h2]
There's no point adding improved editor features if I don't apply them to existing levels already! Currently New New York, Hong Kong and the Dragons Tail have all a substantial refresh helping them feel more alive. I'll be giving Malaysia and the Mars levels the same treatment soon so keep an eye out for that!

See You Out There

This is a passion project, and I'm grateful for everyone who has played Metric over the last year and given feedback! It's still evolving and growing but is getting closer and closer to my vision every day.

Keep in the loop with everything going on or chat with me over on Discord! Until then, I'll see you all on the track.

V 0.9.0 RELEASE - Network Multiplayer, Track Editor Upgrades, Visual Refreshes

To celebrate the first anniversary release of Metric Racer into Early Access, we’re closing the chapter on version 0.8 and releasing version 0.9.0! So what is new, and what is there to look forward to!


Network multiplayer is out now! Race with or against your friends either through multiple Dedicated Servers or locally across LAN. There are 4 sets of dedicated servers:
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • North America – East
  • North America – West

Single Race and Survival modes are supported along with all Official Metric Racer tracks. More modes and custom track support is coming in the future.

List of Dedicated Servers alongside a view of the Lobby


Along with the network support, Version 0.9 comes with a number of visual improvements and re-worked tracks:

Building glow, particle effects, track themes and imroved
  • Improved and re-worked Tracks
  • Improved Building Glow
  • Particle Effects
  • Track Themes

Track Editor Improvements

There's been a number of editor improvements, new track entities and track themes to customise your own tracks with. I've also added a tool tips that guide players on the Editor Workflow as well as an option to fill in tracks now. Pressing Ctrl+B while having two end nodes selected will bridge the gap.

A New blocked out track theme has also been added in the track editor to help in creating levels and debugging tracks. This helps give more contrast with a simpler mesh to modify, speeding up track iteration time.

Moving Forward

The 0.9.X series will be taking the foundation from 0.8.X and polishing and expanding across all of it. Mod support is the next big feature to get out which will add everything from small content updates to full code additions, so stay tuned for that!

This is a passion project, and I'm grateful for everyone who has played Metric over the last year and given feedback! It's still evolving and growing but is getting closer and closer to my vision every day.

Keep in the loop with everything going on or chat with me over on Discord! Until then, I'll see you all on the track.