1. Predecessor
  2. News
  3. Predecessor is going free to play!

Predecessor is going free to play!

After an extremely successful Closed Beta period on PlayStation and over 15 months of Early Access development here on Steam, we're extremely excited to announce that next week we'll be making the leap to Open Beta!

On March 28th 2024, Predecessor will be transitioning to Open Beta, becoming free to play for everyone.

This is a critical phase for our development: we’re going free to play for Open Beta because we need as many players as possible playing the game. Lots of players in lots of regions means we can track performance, make data-focused changes, and learn what we need as we move toward the finish line.

We're not sure just yet how long Open Beta will run, but the more people that play, the faster we’ll be able to iterate and improve. So please jump back in, bring a friend or two, stream your play sessions, post on socials, and, most of all, have a blast!

Thank you for your ongoing support!

- The Omeda Studios Team