1. Predecessor
  2. News
  3. Predecessor isn't just "Paragon 2," CEO says

Predecessor isn't just "Paragon 2," CEO says

It's no secret that the MOBA ecosystem is dominated by two games: League of Legends, and Dota 2. It's one of the hardest nuts to crack, with games like Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm and Epic Games' Paragon failing to challenge Riot and Valve's respective behemoths. Omeda Studios, however, is hoping to make its mark by breathing new life into Epic's aforementioned MOBA with Predecessor, Paragon's spiritual successor. While certain elements may feel familiar, however, Omeda CEO Robbie Singh tells me that Predecessor learns from its forefather, and innovates in a way that makes it a worthy competitor to LoL and Dota.

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The best remake of Epic's forgotten MOBA is a free game this week