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Cell to Singularity - Evolution Never Ends News

Travel the World of Felidae History in Explore: Cats — A Feline Journey

Meow’s it hangin’, Universe Architects?

That’s right, it’s time for an unforgivable amount of cat references. Pour a saucer of milk and gather up your squeaky mouse toys. Can you keep up with this rambunctious Explore Event? Put your paws together for Explore: Cats — A Feline Journey!

This is no ordinary Explore Event either. We’re as excited as a kitten with catnip to announce that this event was made in partnership with TierZoo! Join us in discovering the ways of the house cat, as well as the traits they inherited from our favorite wild cats around the world.

[h2]King of the Cat Tree[/h2]
Ever wonder how house cats became the world’s “top cat”? There’s more than meets the cat’s eye. Learn about the habitats and the heightened qualities of wild cats, from the petite yet deadly Black-Footed Cat to the incredibly fluffy Pallas’ Cat. And how have they led to our furry friends today?
  • From the fierce to the irresistible, unlock 48 new trait nodes.
  • Collect 10 purrr-fect generators tracing through the house cat’s ancestry.

[h2]In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle…[/h2]
The lion has his fair share of competition. His cat brethren have officially joined his domain, and they’ve all found quite enticing napping spots.
  • Add 7 one-of-a-kind cats to the 3D event garden.
  • Follow the tiger and puma around a pedestal of cats. Who will be doing victory stretches at the top?

[h2]Fast & Furriest[/h2]
Whether you’re a cat lover or not, this event has something for everyone. Grow an appreciation for the feline family with these special treats that are bound to give anyone the zoomies.
  • Gather three new cat-tastic Explore Event badges: Paws and Claws, Got Your Tongue? and in honor of our partnership, Top Tier.
  • Hunt down and catch this event’s mouse Quantum Charge.

This is nothing to hiss at: Explore: Cats — A Feline Journey is available to play on Steam, Android and iOS today at 11am ET until July 5 at 10am ET.

We’re following a fun tradition with the launch of Explore: Cats — A Feline Journey. Join our team members for a special Cats Let’s Play on Discord TODAY at 11 AM ET! If you’re not already a member of our official Discord server, click here to join. We’d love to see you there!

Getting the chance to make this Explore Event has been a dream come true for a lot of our team members. We want to take a moment to say thank you to TierZoo for collaborating with us on a subject we are passionate about, as well as to our players who have also expressed their love of cats (remember the Caniforms vs. Feliforms Contest?).

This partnership has been made possible by the contributions of TierZoo. While we made an Explore Event about cats, TierZoo made his own video about cats. To get your ultimate cat fix, follow TierZoo and watch his video about the evolutionary hierarchy of cats while playing Explore: Cats — A Feline Journey. There’s no such thing as too many feline friends.

To find out more about the TierZoo and Cell To Singularity partnership, we had a deepdive livestream last Friday. Check out the video on our YouTube channel.

On a more galactic note, a lot of players have been asking about the status of Beyond E25. We are happy to announce that the next Beyond episode is underway. Keep your eyes and ears open for more news about it in the future on our socials.

Before Semblance can explore what’s to come in Beyond E25, the Cells team is going to have a much needed summer break. We’ll be out of the office from July 4th through the 19th, and we’re excited to share what we have in store for when we return!

Don’t fur-get to stay cellular,
The Cells Team

Patch 26.57: UI improvements to the menu options, Beyond and more

Hello Universe Architects,

The cat’s out of the bag with the release of build version 26.57,
  • UI updates for the Beyond side panel and cards.
  • Explore Events can now be accessed when unlocking Tetrapod.

[h2]UI updates and reorganization of the Options menu[/h2]

[h2]Stay tuned for Explore Cats: A Feline Journey, coming June 28th at 11AM ET![/h2]

Thank you for your support.

Stay Cellular!
- The Cells Team

Rebuilding in Troubled Times: Middle Ages

HOTFIX 26_33
+ Fixed bug: Not being able to click on achievement while in challenge mode
+ Issue Geode softlock has been fixed.
+ Minor text improvements Watermill text missing.

Hail Universe Architects,

Another historical era has arrived as civilization migrates into the next age. The Main Simulation has expanded in this period of significant change. Join Semblance as she observes humanity rebuild civilization in the — Middle Ages.

Embark on a journey through the Silk Road as trade, expanded knowledge and new beliefs connect the East and West. Goods and philosophies were exchanged by many hands before it reached its final destination.

Chivalry isn’t Dead

The Middle Ages, also known as the Medieval Era, was a period of strife that led to the foundation of the modern times. Other accomplishments were made in the East and found prosperity in the booming trade.
  • Unlock five new research nodes that expand into the Middle Ages.
  • More heads are better than one. A new glitch node, Rapa Nui, is available to unlock in the simulation.

Out for Delivery

Did you know that the Silk Road is also known as the Jade Road? Jade was the earliest good exchanged for trade. Valued by the West, the monopoly of silk played a significant role in the development of the route and paved the way to new wonders.
  • Travel with the merchant as he makes his way to the forge— a staple found in every blacksmith’s trade.
  • View the stars in the Muslim observatory.
  • Fulfill your need for knowledge with illuminated manuscripts, featuring beautiful and intricate illustrations.
  • So much more awaits in this new age.

Bloom into Spring

Three new Augmentation Artifacts are ready to be built in your garden.
  • Use Logits to pay your respects to the shogun at the Himeji Castle.
  • Invest in your education with Oxford University.
  • Bring the prosperous Silk Road to your simulation with 85 Darwinium cubes.

‘Tis but a Scratch

Unlike the Holy Grail, a new secret achievement is waiting to be discovered. Can you complete this elusive quest?

Additional Features:
  • The Main Simulation tree has been organized for clarity.
  • Exploration Lab has been moved earlier while Cyborgs have been moved to the top of the tree.
  • Various other tuning changes to the Main Simulation.
  • Adjustments made to the Explore leaderboard tier rank.
  • Optional challenge mode added upon completion of the Explore event.
  • Players can now claim prizes from a completed event before the next event starts.

Civilization: Middle Ages is available to play now on Steam and will be available on iOS and Android by 06/12/2024 at 11:59 PM ET.

To celebrate the winners of the Main Simulation Tree Contest, we held a chillstream on Friday 06/07/2024 at 11 AM ET on Twitch and YouTube. We announced this contest on our May livestream and we want to thank everyone who participated. The team loves all the wonderful and diverse trees our players have created. If you are curious to know who the winners are, you can find them here: link. We are excited to host different types of contests in the future.

Speaking of livestreams, although this is early, we will have another official stream on June 21 to chat about the next upcoming content release. Can you guess what it is? We don’t want it out of the bag yet. Join our beta to find out more. It’s going to be very exciting as we sprint towards the finish line.

Our game is constantly evolving. Thank you for your continued feedback and patience as we work to provide the best play experience for all players.

Stay cellular!
The Cells Team

Spread the Plague in Explore: Outbreaks — Threat of Infection

** Edit:
Version 25.82 hotfix: The simulation has received a small update.
  • Redesigned the Event Leaderboard UI button.
  • Removed the Leaderboard flask animation.
  • Fixed the SFX bug when restarting or switching simulations.

Stay cellular!


Hi Universe Architects,

Pardon us as we don our hazmat suits. Something contagious has infected the simulation, and Semblance is ready to investigate. Join her as we trace the sources of contamination in…

[h2]Explore: Outbreaks — Threat of Infection[/h2]

[h2]Starting from Patient Zero[/h2]
The battle between humans and disease has been ongoing for thousands of years. From plague resurgences to the most recent pandemic in modern times, it’s clear that viruses and bacteria are here to stay. In order to best bolster our defenses, it’s never too late to learn more about them.
  • Unlock fourteen microbial generators, starting with Human Life.
  • Uncover 43 new trait nodes to reveal the tragedies and discoveries caused by outbreaks.
  • Accrue two opposing currencies that must work together for survival: Immunity and Contagion.

[h2]Personal Petri Dish[/h2]
The Explore Event garden has a recognizably microscopic feel with some new faces. Instead of a helpful Amino Acid, these tiny intruders mean deadly business. What do they look like up close, and how are they different from one another?
  • Let disease and decay run rampant in the Outbreaks Explore Event garden.
  • Unlock a new microbe after each generator unlock, from Smallpox to Salmonella.

[h2]Documentation is Key[/h2]
Despite the devastation, humans have evolved alongside invisible foes in order to face future infectious challenges. One key factor: sharing information.
  • Track important outbreak dates and statistics on the new event timeline while progressing through the tree.
  • Wait! Are you sensitive to graphic medical material related to disease? This event features a popup trigger warning to make sure before you begin.
  • Collect three new badges as proof of your resilience against disease.

[h3]Additional Features:[/h3]
  • Say goodbye to the Research Race and hello to our new Segmented Leaderboards. Jump into a large pool of players for a chance at various different prizes, including Logits, Geodes, Young Stars and more.
  • Fixed some Infinity Pass bugs.
Explore: Outbreaks — Threat of Infection is now available to play on Steam, Android and iOS until May 22 at 10am ET.

This Explore Event now marks our 12th in the series! Our team is looking forward to expand the simulation with diverse and interesting topics. A few weeks ago we asked players to fill out this survey to share what topics they’re most interested in seeing as an Explore Event. We revealed the results of this survey in last Friday’s livestream. If you’re curious to see which topics are popular, we talked about it in our latest livestream: link.

You may have noticed some drastic changes to our Leaderboard system. We have officially sunsetted the Research Race and implemented a new multiplayer system built from the ground up. A few of our team members have gone into further detail about how the new multiplayer system works on our livestream, so we highly encourage players to check it out.

And finally— if you aren’t getting enough Bubonic Plague content in the Outbreak Explore Event, you’re in luck. The Civilization: Middle Ages update is underway! Get ready to experience one of civilization’s dark ages after the decline of the Roman Empire, and see what new advancements brought them into the Age of Discovery.

Thank you for reading the patch notes in full. But, what are we still doing here? There are infections to spread and diseases to cure.

Stay healthy and stay cellular,
The Cells Team

The Future is Here! Big Changes to Cells Multiplayer

Greeting Universe Architects,

We’re releasing an update that may be a turning point for multiplayer in Cell to Singularity: we’re sunsetting one leaderboard and releasing a very different one. Read on for details.

[h2]Farewell, Research Race[/h2]

Research Race has been the first real multiplayer feature built into Cell to Singularity, and as research it has been tremendous – we’ve learned a lot about how our players do and don’t want to play Cells. Some players loved the competition in the Research Race, but there were also many who didn’t. The feature was set up so that you’d often see players who were in a very different place in the game than you… or were cheating to raise their production. It was frustrating for a lot of people, especially if they raced against cheaters.

So with this release, we’re turning Research Race off. Semblance thanks you for your research service.

[h2]Hello, Event Leaderboard[/h2]

When the next Explore Event starts later this week, you’ll see a new button on the right side of the screen. The button shows your current placement in the new Event Leaderboard. As you play an event, you’ll compete with 999 other players to earn the most Science Points. As you buy Nodes, Generators, or Quantum Charges you’ll earn Science Points and rise through the ranks. At the end of the event, every participant will get a prize, with better prizes for the higher ranks. Place high enough and you can even get rewards for the Beyond and Mesozoic Valley!

We think the new Event Leaderboard improves on many elements of the Research Race. Everyone gets prizes, not just the elite. You can watch your ranking move, or just let it sit off to the side if you don’t want to compete. And you shouldn’t see as many cheaters.

[h2]Changes for Cheating, built from the ground up[/h2]

With the removal of Research Race comes the removal of the system it was made on. This means the system that players saw some cheaters on is no longer in the game. With the addition of the Event Leaderboard we have a new system in place. This system was created with the cheaters in mind, so as a result we hope it reduces the amount that players encounter.

[h2]Other Updates[/h2]
With this update we have included a special feature just for the Explore Events. We’ve added an arrow in the event tree view that shows the next node or generator you can buy. We also added many improved translations to the game along with several bug fixes.

Developing a multiplayer experience for Cells gameplay has been a rewarding and humbling challenge. We’re always grateful for our community’s feedback and patience, especially during times of major change. Let us know your thoughts on the new Event Leaderboard, we’re always listening.

Thank you, and stay cellular!

- The Cells Team