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  3. Overture To The Collapse

Overture To The Collapse

1.50 update, "Overture To The Collapse", is now up.

New feature: Realmcraft.
You can now select a special type of Realm upon Changing Realm - Quasi-Realms. These special Realms each have their own rules, restrictions and conditions to unlock. Instead of awarding Memories, they award Delusions - a new type of currency that you can spend on Paramnesics upgrades - a new type of upgrades not unlike Memory upgrades (now called Heritages). We will also be adding new types with new rules over time.

Some other, more minor stuff:

- Demiurge. New Ascension ability: Increases Attributes' per-point bonus' power.
- 3 new Legacy levels.
- 3 new achievements.
- All autoclicks are now calculated in bulk (critical profit and chance are averaged, shards and Pet experience (if applicable) are applied 4 times per second), the floating text now shows the total Mana gained, total clicks performed and display the average amount of crits through changing the text color from white to red (richer red corresponds to a higher percentage of crits within the total amount of clicks summarized).

We have also rehashed a part of UI to better fit the idea of different types of Realm - note the new main Scroll tab.

Including some extra qol, bugfixes and optimizations.

Come check it out!