1. Dark Data
  2. News
  3. Dark Data v1.3 Released!

Dark Data v1.3 Released!

Hi All,

We're very excited to release this patch, and even more so for content we'll be releasing at the end of the month! We've got new levels, a new game type, updated player feedback, bug fixes, and more! ....full notes below, and stay tuned for some big additions!


Update Includes:

-Metro Level
-Reimagined St. Clair Below Level
-"Occupation" King of the Hill style Game Type
-Updated Feedback from explosive, fire, and weapon Damage
-Improved Explosive Damage Logic
-Brightness, Contrast, & Gamma Options Settings
-Character Selection Bug When No Custom Characters Built Fix
-End Of Match Missing UI Bug When Going From Emulator to Console Fix
-Augmented Bots Behavior Improvements and Mine Weapon Fixes
-Ordered Score Board based on Winning Player for In-Game Menu
-Zoom Strength Toggle For Demonstrator Laser
-New "Aux" button for swapping to Remote Mine Detonator / Toggling Zoom Strength w/ Applicable Weapons (Left Stick Click / "N" on Keyboard) [More Aux actions to come]
-Improved Sensitivity and Accuracy Adjustments During Aiming
-Added 3rd Person Animations
-Entered Cheat Codes Persist Throughout Session and Subsequent Entered Cheats are Additive
-New Cheats!

Pat + Mitch
Pixelfoot Games