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Naval Hurricane News

Update 0.153a. New weather and time of day options.

  1. New weather and time of day options have been added.

    • A "Fog" slider has been added to Custom Battle screen.
    • Thunderstorm and cloudy weather have been added to the Weather selector of the Custom Battle screen.
    • The Morning and Evening Time of Day options of the Custom Battle screen have been divided into early and late morning/evening.
  2. An artillery fire gong has been added for main guns of all ships except armed merchants. "Artillery fire gong" checkbox has been added to the Audio tab of the Settings screen to disable this effect.
  3. The amount and duration of smoke of detonation particle effect has been slightly increased.
  4. Slightly reduced structural damage from surface explosions.
  5. A couple of minor UI changes have been made.
  6. A couple of bugs have been fixed.

Update 0.151a. Bug fixes.

  1. A hotkey to focus the camera on the selected ship (“F” by default) has been added.
  2. A couple of bugs have been fixed.

Update 0.15a. Battle report UI.

  1. "View report" button displaying "Battle Report" UI screen has been added to the UI showing the battle result.
  2. Free camera is now automatically activated along with the UI displaying the battle result.
  3. All ships can now surrender if their position is bad. The chance of warships surrendering is very low, while the chance of civilian ships surrendering is much higher.
  4. A lightly armed version (with a single aft turret) of the existing 8000 tons cargo ship has been added for both playable nations.
  5. “Use binocular view as projectiles tracking camera” checkbox has been added to Difficulty settings tab.
  6. AI logic to move slowly and get closer was added to finish off immobilized and nearly unarmed enemies in artillery combat.
  7. A couple of minor UI changes have been made.
  8. A couple of bugs have been fixed.

Update 0.144a. Bugfixes for 0.143a and artillery accuracy adjustments.

  1. The positive effect of the best fire control systems on projectile spread has been slightly reduced.
  2. The algorithm for generating random commanders has been changed to make their professional characteristics more equal.
  3. The calculation of the effect of ship pitching on artillery accuracy has been changed from per turn estimating of the ship model pitching in the 3D world to a constant value based on wind strength (Beaufort scale) and the type of the ship.
  4. Starting distance selection slider has been added to Custom Battle screen.
  5. Several bugs have been fixed.

Update 0.143a. Artillery accuracy reduction.

  1. Artillery accuracy has been significantly reduced.
  2. The effect on rough seas on artillery accuracy has been increased.
  3. The minimum and maximum values of “Projectile spread” slider of the Settings screen has been changed.
  4. Added the ability to choose between the tight shell pattern (default) and the loose shell pattern with double spread value.
  5. Special logic has been implemented for projectiles after they hit the water. Now they have a chance to shatter (greater velocity significantly increases this chance). All projectiles are also considered to tumble upon hitting water, causing their AP multiplier to gradually decrease to a value equal to the AP multiplier of the projectile fragments. Again, higher velocity means faster AP reduction.
  6. A couple of bugs have been fixed.