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  2. News

PixelOver News

PixelOver 0.15.2 - New documentation website and improved home page

Hello! This new update primarily introduces the launch of the documentation website and the rework of the home page.

[h3]Roadmap and news[/h3]
[h3]Documentation and tutorials[/h3]

[h3]New features[/h3]

New documentation website with enhanced organization and search capabilities.


Reworked the home page for improved user experience.

Updated translations with the latest changes (Portuguese and Russian).

[h3]Bug fixes[/h3]



Fixed crash when moving multiple selected 3D objects.

Fixed offset issue on selected animation keys after zooming in/out on the timeline.

(Reported by DM)

Fixed focused button color with modified primary color.

(Not reported)

Fixed issue accessing the examples folder on MacOS.

(Not reported)

[h2]Roadmap for 2024[/h2]



Edit 3D bones animation.

Ability to save and load animations.

Tools and Objects


Particle systems.


2D and 3D text objects.

2D lights with support of normal and depth maps.

Pixelation and Effects

More available effects with a tool to place them easily.

More pixel-art oriented resampler.

Importation & Export

Import Aseprite and PSD 2D formats.


Better favorite system with previews for shaders, palettes, dithering, ...

Lighter project type. To batch pixelates files without any transformation.

ːsteamthumbsupː Available features but could be improved.

ːsteamthisː New available features added with this version.

If you encounter any bugs or have feature suggestions, feel free to share them in the community forum. Thank you!

PixelOver 0.15.1 - Inverse Kinematics 3D

Hello, this update adds inverse kinematics chain constraint for 3D bones and more.

[h3]Roadmap and news[/h3]
[h3]Documentation and tutorials[/h3]

[h3]New features[/h3]

Inverse kinematics chain constraint for 3D bones

With the option to add a pole target to control the chain bending direction.


Added Portuguese and Russian languages, thanks to wu0lss4j and Stripes.

If you want to help with the translation, PixelOver has a Crowdin project :

Added animation default parameters in global settings.

[h3]Bug fixes[/h3]



Fixed Blender link for MacOS.

(By email)

Fixed MTL image loading when opened from a PixelOver project.

Fixed 2D mesh editing.

Fixed 3D material external resynchronization.

Fixed IK resynchronization.

Fixed toggle favorite file and folder on the home page.

(Not reported)

[h2]Roadmap for 2024[/h2]



Edit 3D bones animation.

Ability to save and load animations.

Tools and Objects


Particle systems.


2D and 3D text objects.

2D lights with support of normal and depth maps.

Pixelation and Effects

More available effects with a tool to place them easily.

More pixel-art oriented resampler.

Importation & Export

Import Aseprite and PSD 2D formats.


Better favorite system with previews for shaders, palettes, dithering, ...

Lighter project type. To batch pixelates files without any transformation.

ːsteamthumbsupː Available features but could be improved.

ːsteamthisː New available features added with this version.

If you encounter any bugs or wish to propose features, feel free to do so in the community. Thank you!

PixelOver 0.15 3D bones animation

Hello! This major update introduces 3D bone object and the ability to edit bones poses for imported 3D models.

A step-by-step tutorial is available here for this new feature.

[h3]Roadmap and news[/h3]
[h3]Documentation and tutorials[/h3]

[h3]New features[/h3]

3D Bones

Added 3D bone object.

Added an option in the 3D scene to modify the bones poses.

Added a rotation gizmo for 3D layers. Layers can also be rotated using shift+middle click shortcut.


Translations are now managed in a Crowdin project : https://crowdin.com/project/pixelover

Added meter/pixel scale in the project settings.

Improved a lot the performances especially for parent-child relations.

Added rotation gizmo for 3D layer. Layer also can be rotated with shift+middle click shortcut.

The main button is now automatically focused in dialogs and focused buttons have now a distinct visual.

Improved exported animation input chooser (All, current or pick).

Added the ability to paste images and other resources into the palette input.

[h3]Bug fixes[/h3]



Fixed multi-select 3D rotation.

[h2]Roadmap for 2024[/h2]



Edit 3D bones animation.

Ability to save and load animations.

Tools and Objects


Particle systems.


2D and 3D text objects.

2D lights with support of normal and depth maps.

Pixelation and Effects

More available effects with a tool to place them easily.

More pixel-art oriented resampler.

Importation & Export

Import Aseprite and PSD 2D formats.


Better favorite system with previews for shaders, palettes, dithering, ...

Lighter project type. To batch pixelates files without any transformation.

ːsteamthumbsupː Available features but could be improved.

ːsteamthisː New available features added with this version.

If you encounter any bugs or wish to propose features, feel free to do so in the community. Thank you!

PixelOver 0.14.5 Depth displacement improvements

Hello, this update improves the depth displacement for 3D images and adds Japanese translation.

[h3]Roadmap and news[/h3]
[h3]Documentation and tutorials[/h3]


Depth displacement improvement.

Possibility to add a different back image, depth map, and normal map.

Added an offset option to fix the front and back joint.

Fixed the normal buffer for displacement image and other minor improvements.

Added Japanese translation thanks to Momochi.

[h3]Bug fixes[/h3]



Fixed a crash when selecting multiple objects directly after project creation.

Fixed resource loading when the local path is invalid.

Switching animation now well refreshes the current position.

Fixed a crash when opening a file dialog while a file dialog is already opened.

Fixed scrolling view jittering on the reduced CPU/GPU option. As it's corrected, this option is now on by default.

Fixed a display issue when using animated image 3D with particles.

[h2]Roadmap for 2023[/h2]


Edit 3D bones animation.

Ability to save and load animation.

Tools and objects


Particle systems.


2D and 3D text objects.

2D lights with support of normal and depth maps.

Pixelation and effects


Material editing, especially with custom palette indexation.

More available effects with a tool to place them easily.

More pixel-art oriented resampler.

Importation & Export


Import FBX and DAE 3D formats.

Import Aseprite and PSD 2D formats.


Better favorite system with preview for shader, palette, dithering, ...

Lighter project type. To batch pixelates files without any transformation.

ːsteamthumbsupː Available features but could be improved.

ːsteamthisː New available features added with this version.

If you see bugs or want to propose features, you can do it at the community, thank you !

PixelOver 0.14.4 Sprite sheet improvement

Hello, this update improves the sprite sheets import, export, and synchronization.

[h3]Roadmap and news[/h3]
[h3]Documentation and tutorials[/h3]


Sprite sheet improvement.

For import, added margin, padding, and an option to choose how to split the sprite sheet.

Imported sprite sheets are now externally synchronized. It means, like other resources, if you modify the sprite sheet image in another program, the changes will be reflected in your project.

For export, added margin, padding, and the possibility to create a JSON data file with frames information and other metadata (similar to Aseprite one).

Link to the asset used in the screenshots

For export, added an option to combine all the animations into one file. (available for sprite sheet and gif)

Added paste image from clipboard support for Linux (already implemented for the other OS).

[h3]Bug fixes[/h3]



Fixed crash when copying a resource in its subresource.

Fixed pan gesture speed for Mac.

Post-process material was badly rendered for Mac.
So it is temporarily disabled (for this OS only)
and there is now a warning message saying some material properties are unavailable.

Fixed input focus on the animation panel with multiple animations.

Fixed crash on startup in some cases.

Fixed inputs in the z-order tab. (double click to enter manually the z value)

[h2]Roadmap for 2023[/h2]


Edit 3D bones animation.

Ability to save and load animation.

Tools and objects


Particle systems.


2D and 3D text objects.

2D lights with support of normal and depth maps.

Pixelation and effects


Material editing, especially with custom palette indexation.

More available effects with a tool to place them easily.

More pixel-art oriented resampler.

Importation & Export


Import FBX and DAE 3D formats.

Import Aseprite and PSD 2D formats.


Better favorite system with preview for shader, palette, dithering, ...

Lighter project type. To batch pixelates files without any transformation.

ːsteamthumbsupː Available features but could be improved.

ːsteamthisː New available features added with this version.

If you see bugs or want to propose features, you can do it at the community, thank you !