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Diving into the Class System of Tales of Fablecraft

When you build your character in Tales of Fablecraft, you’ll have seven classes to choose from at Early Access launch. Each class was designed like a puzzle piece to fit snugly with others, enabling players to build cohesive and complementary parties.

What are those classes, and how did we select them?


[h2]Heroes Aren’t Born, They’re Made[/h2]

Upon arriving in the world of Mythas, every player character becomes a Mage—a person who discovers that they can wield the magic of the world better than most.

While these characters are magic users, their different classes set them apart and represent their unique magical specialties.

[h2]The Seven Classes of Mythas[/h2]

The seven classes available to players at Early Access are Guardian, Inventor, Merchant, Naturalist, Performer, Rogue, and Sage.

The icons for these classes (featured below) were lovingly designed by another fabulous icon, our Senior Designer, Jaclyn McKay!

Each class is the master of one of our 10 available skills (and yes, there are three more class plans for the future!). These classes also represent archetypal heroes that you might find in many different stories.

Class design is great when you can look at an ensemble cast of characters and easily identify their class and role within a party. Let’s jump in and identify each of the seven unique classes available in Tales of Fablecraft!

[h2]The Guardian Class ⚔️[/h2]

The Guardian class is the embodiment of might. They represent the strong, protecting the weak. They can also represent an authoritative figure within a party, but that depends on how an individual decides to play!

Every Guardian has access to the Imprison spell, which allows them to bind a defeated foe and magically transport them to an appropriate nearby authority.

Players can get creative with this spell and find unique ways to utilize it. Transporting prisoners is one thing, but maybe the Imprison spell can be used to deliver a message in a hurry! How might you use a spell like this?

[h2]The Inventor Class 🛠️[/h2]

Known as the makers of Mythas, Inventors are highly resourceful. When the gears start turning, and a wild new idea is concocted, Inventors cannot be stopped!

Every Inventor can access the Tinker spell, allowing them to fashion a handy object from whatever they have available.

This is a great class for someone who wants to get creative with the roleplaying aspects of tabletop RPGs. What strange items would you combine to make something new and exciting to use on your next adventure?

[h2]The Merchant Class 💰[/h2]

Merchants could sell rocks to a miner and negotiate a fine price! This is a great class for the player who wants to wheel and deal their way through Mythas.

Every Merchant can access the Heart’s Desire spell, which allows them to identify the thing that someone wants most, whether that thing is material or emotional. Imagine the ability to always have “just the thing” for any occasion!

[h2]The Naturalist Class 😻[/h2]

Naturalists nurture the wilderness around them, and although some may prefer plants and animals over people, they help create harmony between the inhabitants of Mythas and the world's natural elements.

Every Naturalist can access the Speak to Nature spell, which allows them to communicate with plants and animals to glean information.

We highly recommend this class to all you animal lovers out there. Who doesn’t want to have a chat with their local Karma Cat?!

[h2]The Performer Class 🎭[/h2]

If you see all the classes and say “that’s cool, but I want to sing, dance, and charm my way through this world," we have good news for you! With the Performer class, you can take on ANY talent to aid you in this endeavor.

Maybe you go for a more traditional bard-like role. Or maybe you set out to become the next great stand-up comedian of Mythas!

Every Performer can access the Center of Attention spell, which allows them to draw the eye of all within earshot. Their audience can’t look away or leave until their performance ends.

If you go the comedian route, you can practice your tight five on party members during downtime; we’re sure they’ll love it!

[h2]The Rogue Class 🤫[/h2]

Ah, Rogues… We love them, we need them, we’re not too sure where they’ve disappeared to now. Naturally stealthy, Rogues have a knack for avoiding the consequences of their actions.

Every Rogue can access the Skulduggery spell, which allows them to make their suspicious or morally ambiguous behavior seem on the level.

What more can we say? These delightful troublemakers would make a fine addition to any party (tragic origin story not included).

[h2]The Sage Class 📚[/h2]

If you want to be the brains of your next adventuring party, the Sage class is for you! Known as the know-it-alls of Mythas, their emphasis is on study and knowledge. They acquire their skills through research and apply what they learn to the world.

Every Sage can access the Condescend spell, which allows them to rant about the minute details of a subject until their target agrees with their point and regrets any words to the contrary!

[h2]Developing The Class System[/h2]

To dive a little deeper into how we built the classes you’ll play in Fablecraft, we chatted with Riftweaver’s Lead Game Designer, Brian Aloisio, about the design process. He shared a lot about our team’s decisions and design philosophy.

When approaching design for our game, the most important thing we remind ourselves is that Fablecraft is for everyone. The guiding light of our systems should always be accessibility for new players.

The first big decision was to separate classes from combat abilities. We wanted the freedom to roleplay as a wide variety of characters without those choices restricting combat.

For example, despite not being a traditional role for them, a Sage can play as a front-line, high-health, melee tank in Fablecraft combat! This is possible because our class and combat styles are on different tracks, allowing for more varied mixing and matching for players.

The next step was tackling our skill system. The kind of skills a roleplaying game puts in front of players implies how the designers want the game to be approached and played. We iterated on our list of skills quite a bit during development to emphasize the themes and ideas we wanted Fablecraft to explore.

Then, it was time to determine what kind of system we wanted. Did we want a class-based system or something more free-form? This is where the guiding principle of accessibility comes into play. While freeform systems can be exciting to an experienced roleplayer, they can also be very confusing and too open-ended for newer players. We felt that expressing archetypal classes would help people get into the roleplaying spirit!

The building blocks of our classes are their primary skill, spells, and secondary skills. Each skill represents an area of excellence that can contribute to a party. Likewise, each class represents an embodiment of that skill directed in ways that are helpful to a party. So the exercise became clear: find the ways the skills help and go from there.

[h2]One More Thing 👀[/h2]

It’s dangerous to go alone, so take this: A sneak peek of what’s coming up in our next weekly update!

Every adventurer needs supplies. We'll examine each class again, but this time, we will look at their starting Inventory and discover what’s in their bags and why.

Below is a beautiful WIP of each class pack, designed by the immensely talented Linda Lithén. We can’t wait to show off more of her incredible artwork next week!

Until then, tell us which class you would like to play in the comments, and Wishlist Tales of Fablecraft on Steam today!


👾 BIG MONSTERS Have Joined The Battle! 👾

[h2]Larger Than Life! 🤩[/h2]

Hello all! Notice anything different about some of your recent creature encounters? Your eyes do not deceive you! 👀

With the release of our latest adventure, Murder on the Tipsy Pearl, Big Monsters have landed in Mythas. Let’s take a look at how they work, how they effect combat, and what makes their inclusion unique for Tales of Fablecraft.

[h2]Whoa There, Tidemaw! 🐙[/h2]

When these colossal creatures land on your battlemap, they can be a huge (pun intended) threat to unsuspecting Mages. Take the Tidemaw, for instance. This sea monster prowls deep coastal waters. It attaches itself to the hulls of boats, and uses its spiked tentacles to pick off crew members, one by one.

A Tidemaw's body occupies a whopping 3x3 set of tiles. In addition to it's sheer size, it has an opener that allows it to summon tentacles which grab players or swat them away. As a GM, you'll have tons of new combo moves you can use when operating this beast. And as players, you'll need to come up with more considered strategies to defeat it.

Watch out for that tentacle hug! 🦑

[h2]Storytelling With Scale📖[/h2]

Another Big Monster we're excited to introduce is the Malevolent Ooze, which occupies a 2x2 square. These shapeless blobs form when cruel wishes are made at a wishing well. Their slimy bodies can fit through small spaces, but their pungent odor is a sure telltale sign that they're lurking nearby.

Malevolent Oozes spit acid and engulf unsuspecting mages into their jellylike mass. They will split into four smaller Malevolent Globs when destroyed. 🐌🐌🐌🐌

Make sure to reserve some health for the Glob's Acid Spritz!

[h2]Big Monsters, Bigger Battles![/h2]

We’re excited for you to mix it up with Big Monsters in your upcoming games. We'll be continuing to drop these bigger baddies in future adventures so stay tuned - the gargantuan size of these creatures will definitely keep you on your toes!

[h2]Would You Rather? 👀[/h2]

And now for a quick hypothetical before we go! You may not currently encounter big cats in Tales of Fablecraft... yet, but which would you prefer to battle!?

Would you rather take on 100 regular sized Karma Cats or 1 BIG KITTY!? Tell us about it in the comments! 😻

[h2]Wishlist Us On Steam! 🌠[/h2]

Be sure to Wishlist Tales of Fablecraft on Steam so that you’re ready to take on these massive monsters when Early Access arrives!


The Game Master's Guide!

[h2]Start At The Very Beginning! 🙌[/h2]

A very good place to start! Today, we’re covering the GM Guide of Tales of Fablecraft. This update contains light spoilers for The Road to The Starfall Festival, session 3.

Whether you're a brand new or veteran GM, our ready-to-play adventures provide intuitive tools, helpful direction, and maximum fun for all!


[h2]Looking For Guidance? 🔮[/h2]

Our GM Guide serves up exactly what you need, when you need it, helping you to steer your party through the adventure!

To start, select the adventure that you would like to run and jump in! For the purpose of this update, we're going to use The Road to the Starfall Festival, session 3 as our main example.

[h2]Prep For Adventure! 📜⚔️[/h2]

Now that we've selected our adventure, open the tray on the righthand side by clicking on the GM Guide icon at the top. This will display all of the upcoming sessions for the adventure.

The GM Adventure Guide provides a high-level overview of the complete adventure. It gives you a heads up about the places you'll go, the NPCs and creatures you'll encounter, and contains some handy tips for running the adventure, too.

[h2]Setting The Scene! 🌄[/h2]

We're starting session 3 of The Road to the Starfall Festival, so let's set the scene before we begin! The GM guide shows you where in Mythas we are going to be. In this case, your players will be attempting to enter an Old World Ruin.

Simply click the plus sign in the Scene Change box and watch the Ruin come to life!

Both the players and the GM have the option to toggle Animated Scenes on and off, the choice is up to you.

Whatever your preference, this will not affect what everyone else sees in the scene. We are striving to make each experience as customizable as possible!

[h2]Music + Soundscapes 🔊[/h2]

Tales of Fablecraft is more than just pretty artwork – we also have music and soundscapes!

The GM has an abundance of music and soundscape options to choose from. To view them, just hit the Jukebox icon at the bottom of the side tray.

If you're running an adventure from the GM Guide, thematically appropriate music and soundscapes automatically play with every scene


Check out a preview of what this scene can sound like on our YouTube channel!

[h2]Read Aloud! 💬[/h2]

There are all kinds of notes and tips for GMs as we make our way through the session guide. Handy Read Aloud sections provide scripted moments to read to players. These Read Aloud moments can help to anchor you back into the story or give you a well-earned break from improvising.

Follow the text or go off-script as much as you like! The guide is here to assist you in whatever way works best for you and your party.

At the beginning of our example adventure, the GM Guide gives a quick recap of the previous session, before helping you set the scene for session 3.

The guide tells you to read aloud: "There are 2 Shadow Bandits and a leashed Timberwolf at the entrance (to the Old World Ruin). The Bandits' heads are bent low toward one another, as though discussing something."

The GM Guide will sometimes include prompts to add NPC or creature tokens to the story scene.

Alternatively, we can go over to the Character icon on the tray and pull out some Foes for our players. 😈

[h2]Group Choice 🤔[/h2]

Time for your players to decide what to do next! While they discuss amongst themselves, this is a good time to remind yourself what options are available to the players at this point in the guide.

Again, how closely you follow the guide is entirely up to you!

We try to anticipate potential player choices and provide narratively appropriate advice, whether your players want to go the stealthy route or crossbows blazing!

As any seasoned GMs know, players can always surprise you with wild suggestions - the GM Guide makes it easy to serve up skill roll requests and adapt them to your players' whims!

[h2]Prepare For Battle! ⚔️ 🔥[/h2]

Whatever your players decide to do, odds are that it may not go exactly as planned.

In the event that they don't manage to charm the guards and their canine companion, it's time to pull out the Battlemap!

As easy as one, two, three, combat! Click the plus sign under the Load Battlemap section and get ready for a fight!

The music will automatically change to something more epic when you load battlemaps from the GM Guide. The battlemaps are pre-populated with the right villains from the story, and it's easy to remove tokens (or add more) depending on your players' choices.

[h2]To The Victor Go The Spoils 🏆[/h2]

Phew! That was a close one but it looks like your players won the day! You know what that means? LOOT, LOOT, LOOT! 🙌

In the guide, there is a list of items that the players can find if they decide to rifle through the pockets of the defeated Foes

There are also dialogue suggestions for the Shadow Bandits, should your players decide to interrogate them!

While we're in Closed Beta, our game is still getting regular updates. Easily accessible and story specific inventory is gradually being added to the GM Guide, so GMs can simply drag and drop items from the guide into a player's inventory.

For now, let's go over to the Inventory icon on the tray and pull out some fun items to reward our players for a job well done! 🐸

[h2]End The Session! 🤩[/h2]

And that's session 3 of The Road to the Starfall Festival. The guide will have you set up the next scene and give you suggestions on where to end.

Tease the upcoming session and leave your players on a fun cliffhanger!

Until next time, Mages!

[h2]Wishlist Us On Steam! 💙[/h2]

Be sure to Wishlist us on Steam and join our party on Discord!


Anthony Avon on Painting, Inspiration, and the Secret Sidekick Running the Show!

Spoiler! The sidekick in question is a lovely feline named Sana, who as anyone with a cat knows, deserves all the credit. She must be doing something right, because with 12 illustrations completed to date, Anthony Avon is one of Riftweaver’s busiest artists. Tales of Fablecraft players will encounter Anthony’s landscapes and creatures as they explore the Mythan Highlands and Long Meadows.

Name: Anthony Avon
Location: Serbia
Artistic superpower: A nonstop schedule and a love for the work
Interests beyond painting: Playing drums and legos
Couldn't live without: Everything - family, pets, toys, job - all of it!

A hidden doorway in the Highland Peaks

CLAIRE: Can you tell us how you came to be a professional artist?

ANTHONY: I was lucky to get my first painting equipment as a gift because I couldn’t afford it on my own. Later I was recommended for a small studio job in my city. I took those opportunities and haven’t stopped. I started as a 2D concept artist for casual games. After four years I transferred to freelance illustration because I wanted to push my skills. Ten years later, here I am. It’s been a fun journey.

CLAIRE: Can you walk us through your process when working on a Fablecraft artwork, from brief through to final execution?

ANTHONY: A few of the most recent pieces I did very quickly. Darci (studio Creative Director) and I talked about the idea, figured out the details, checked in to see if I got the idea right, and then I got busy painting. Typically it starts with a brief. I work on some sketches, we pick one that works and maybe combine some elements, then move on to rendering. My process is usually chaotic and is rarely point A to point B.

CLAIRE: When you get a brief do you paint in your head before you start sketching?

ANTHONY: I never know exactly what the final image will be. I know what kind of elements the painting is supposed to have but the specifics are the product of what I’m currently inspired by and where the idea leads. That’s what I love about working in teams. Everything I do with Fablecraft is going to be different from my personal paintings because other people’s ideas and feedback will influence the piece.

CLAIRE: Early on I remember making a joke about forcing you into our bright and happy world when a lot of the work in your portfolio was darker. Though we did eventually send you back to the caves…

A pathway leading into the Highland caves.

ANTHONY: (Laughs) I’m not only interested in dark and moody paintings. I’m happy to paint other things, too. Though I have done a couple of moody paintings for this project…

CLAIRE: Sometimes a player just needs a mysterious cave to explore.

ANTHONY: Exactly.

A crossroads under in the Highland Caves. Quite mysterious. And also damp. Don’t forget a sweater.

CLAIRE: What are your main sources of inspiration?

ANTHONY: I love traditional art from the 19th century. Every time I see that work I know I have to get back to practicing.

CLAIRE: Do you have a favorite artist?

ANTHONY: It’s hard to pick one. Auberge Bernstein and Frederic Church maybe. There’s dozens. That’s the kind of work I keep as a reference even if I’m not painting anything related to it.

CLAIRE: What is it about those artists you like?

ANTHONY: It’s literally everything - the way they use color, the way they compose the paintings. Today there’s an understandable cutting of corners because of time constraints. Masters went into detail with every brush stroke. I love exploring these paintings.

There’s the first reaction to the overall picture. Then you start zooming in on blades of grass and tiny flowers in the corner of the painting and it’s all done with a lot of care. I want to be able to do that with my art too.

A temple ruin found in the Long Meadows… zoom in for blades of grass.

CLAIRE: Talk us through one of your Fablecraft pieces. Which elements are you happiest with? What was the most challenging?

ANTHONY: I really liked the last mountain piece. At the time I was visiting my family in Canada. I told my Aunt that I was struggling with a painting so she suggested we go to a park. I was like, ‘no, I’m painting an underground cave, I need to go to a cave!’ So the next day we went to an actual cave. It changed my ideas of how textures and ideas came together in the painting. Direct experience is really valuable.

Mountain Exit - a big thanks to Anthony’s Auntie for this one!

ANTHONY: I also really like the last painting I did - the bison illustration. It’s personal work that I’m happy you adopted. But it wouldn’t exist if I wasn’t inspired by the other creature and monster illustrations in the game. I tried to make it a love letter to the world of Mythas.

CLAIRE: It definitely is! And it’s crazy because in an early playtest we had this idea of a quartz buffalo migration which I know you had never even heard about. And then suddenly you had painted what was essentially a quartz buffalo!

ANTHONY: Yeah, I didn’t even realize that until you mentioned it later! I like to think it’s because I’m invested and understand the world.

Long Meadows Quartz Buffalo

CLAIRE: What is your favorite piece of Fablecraft work that you didn't work on?

ANTHONY: Aleks’ Cora picture. It’s this really iconic picture with a central figure and the ship behind her. It’s very memorable.

Coraline Stormsinger, Wavechaser Guardian, illustrated by Aleksandra Wojtas

ANTHONY: Aleks does gorgeous rendering when it comes to the characters. I was so happy we could collaborate on a piece together. We got to combine several landscapes as well as characters. That was a really special partnership.

Fablecraft collaboration between Anthony Avon and Aleksandra Wojtas

CLAIRE: Any advice for aspiring artists out there?

ANTHONY: Keep practicing. This year I’ve done 100 studies - directly copying the work that I want to create and through that learning how to use color and rendering. And embrace frustration - illustration is hard, it’s difficult, it takes a long time - you have to just ignore that though.

Art was a hobby for me. I only had the basic equipment, I didn’t go to art school, I didn’t have a positive attitude, I didn’t think any of this was possible for me to achieve. But if I can do it, you can do it.

I’m now working with other artists at Riftweaver who have inspired me for years. When Andreas (Rocha) joined our Slack and complimented my work that was incredible! Hopefully some day I can be that person for someone else.

CLAIRE: Any last favorite Fablecraft pieces?

ANTHONY: I like the stone creatures! The gold is kind of cute. The crystal one is more serious.

Hulking Slab

Psychic Slab

Check out more of Anthony’s work on Tales of Fablecraft, a cooperative digital tabletop roleplaying game set in the vibrant, hopeful world of Mythas. Wishlist us on Steam today!


Epic Success! 🎲🎲 Meet the Dice in Tales of Fablecraft

[h2]Let’s Roll! 🎲[/h2]

Hello, Mages! It’s time for another weekly update from your friends at Riftweaver. That’s us, we’re your friends.

Today, we’re diving into the dice system that makes Tales of Fablecraft equally accessible and exciting!


[h2]It’s The Sparks That Pack Punch 🤜[/h2]

Skills, combat choices, and roleplay decisions in Fablecraft are all checked by dice, and, in some situations, the GM can dictate each dice roll’s difficulty settings.

Rather than numbers, the dice in Fablecraft feature pips called Sparks that automatically contribute to the potential success or failure of every roll.

Want to Charm the bartender at your nearest tavern into a sweet, sweet discount on drinks? You can! But the curmudgeonly slinger of ale and merriment is rarely in a good mood, so your GM sets the difficulty to Impossible. That means you’ll need a total of 3 Sparks in order to get it done.

The good news in this bar-haggling situation? Your Charm is set to 3, so you get 3 dice to roll at the check. Let’s see how it goes.

Great job, Mage! Clearing the check means your party is just a bit better fortified for tomorrow’s adventures.

[h2]Dice Have Their Advantages & Disadvantages 🎲[/h2]

We revealed these new Advantage and Disadvantage dice in a sneak peek last week, but here they are again with some fresh detail for the newfound Mages among us (hi, new Mages!).

As Mages roll through their adventures in Mythas, they’ll encounter moments that make success more difficult or more likely. This is where the Advantage and Disadvantage dice come into play.

Rolling an Advantage die can tip the scales in your favor, making a successful outcome more likely. On the other hand, a Disadvantage die can make things more challenging, adding an element of unpredictability to your journey.

[h2]How Charming! 💕[/h2]

One of the ways that players can acquire Advantage and Disadvantage dice is through items that they collect from the world. GM's can gift items to players by dragging and dropping them into their inventory.

Let's say you happen to have a bottle of Rizz Fizz in your inventory (we won't ask why you have that on you 👀). As long as you have it equipped, this is an example of an item that provides players with Advantage!

[h2]It’s The Galaxy Skin For Me ✨[/h2]

The standard dice are beauties, of course, but all our fellow dice gremlins out there can rejoice knowing that we’ll have a slew of skins available to make each roll that much more in-character or exciting.

Me? I love the Galaxy skin. ☄️

[h2]Last Call Reminder! 📆[/h2]

Our Kickstarter PledgeManager will officially close on March 10th, 2024. If you have already backed our project and still need to retrieve your Closed Beta Access Key(s), please do so before then!

If you would still like to back our project, this will be your last opportunity to do so before Early Access Release later this year.

[h2]Wishlist Us On Steam! 💙[/h2]
If you haven’t already, be sure to Wishlist us on Steam in order to be notified when we launch. Wishlisting helps indies like us a ton, so thank you!


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Until next time, Mages!