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Dreadhunter News

Tired of aiming?

Tired of aiming? Then the Thunderhawk set is here for you!

Enjoy homing missile-based gameplay with the new Missile Launcher gun and other items we have prepared in this update. It is our first step in bringing more variety and turning sets into builds, providing you with more options to choose from.


Besides missile mayhem, there are also first items boosting abilities and on-item effects like "Small Grenades" to add more decision-making to your build construction.

This is the general direction we are heading in with future items.


* New items
- Missile Launcher
- Thunderhawk Pauldrons - Missiles deal +30% explosion Damage
- Thunderhawk Wings - Continuously launches Missiles at active enemies
- Thunderhawk Armor - Continuously launches Missiles at enemies while firing primary weapons
- Thunderhawk Headset - Missiles deal +30% Damage on impact
- Thunderhawk Gauntlets - +2 Missiles and +50% Missiles fire rate to continuous missile launches
- Grenadier Gauntlets - +2 Small Grenades
- Retreat Leg Gear - Creates Small Grenades on Dash
* Inventory - new gloves icons to spot differences more easily
* Debris and smoke efect after Banshee's statue and Hongsoo's jail destruction
* Hongsoo's jail leaves bottom part on ground to make Hongsoo more noticeable
* Banshee spawns little bit more minions to spawn more ammo drops for player
* Fix - UI - Inventory items image borders
* Fix - Guns muzzle visual effects visible from all angles
* Fix - Final boss materials after receiving damage
* Nerf - Kinetic set - Penetration reduced from 50% to 40% and Extra ammo changed from 75% to 50%
* Ember sparks environmental effect added in Gate level
* Item descriptions on some items updated to reflect future systems
* New "typing" sound in dialogues

New Mods

We are currently working on larger systems, so this one is a rather smaller update; however, it still required a revisit of the stagger system.

The most visible change in this update is that enemies are not staggered (slowed) during their jump animations. While implementing this change, we have added two new item mods: Stagger Strength, which determines how much the enemy is slowed, and Stagger Duration, which determines how long the debuff persists.

Another mod has been added that allows your helmets to increase your Map Reveal radius.

We are continuously improving map layouts for a smoother flow, adjusting enemy density, and scaling various environmental objects for a better perception of Dreadhunter's size.

As a cherry on top, new vending machines have been added to some environments that drop money and health pickups upon destruction.


[VERSION 0.017]

* New mods - Stagger Strength, Stagger Duration, Map Reveal
* Enemies are not staggered during special actions like jumps
* Room sizes and objects positions revised
* Smaller barrels and boxes with more realistic scale for better perception of Dreadhunter's size
* Chairs added to terminals
* Vending machines added to some environments

Combat Experience Revamped

It's a month after the Dreadhunter Early Access release. We were pushing update after update to significantly improve the quality of the game based on the feedback we've received. The modding system, in-game shop, and stash were implemented, melee combat was overhauled, and many minor issues were fixed.

The next significant feedback we received was that the shooting experience and overall weapon handling didn't meet industry standards. We focused on this topic, and the result is a complete visual combat experience revamp.

Dreadhunter was a responsive game with fluid combat from the very beginning, but now it looks even better and feels better when using various types of weapons.

We added several new camera and physical effects. Every weapon was carefully set up with new gun handling settings. Kinetic guns have a sharp kickback, plasma guns have a softer but still powerful recoil, and the rocket launcher is simply fun to handle. Heavy guns now feel heavier than ever while having that oomph after each shot.

Melee combat was also improved for the player to feel even more powerful while slashing and smashing through Dreads.

The last piece added to the puzzle is effects and sounds when Dreadhunter takes damage or dies. It helped a lot with the feeling of being part of the game's world.

The overall combat experience is now simply more immersive and more badass.

Try it now and let us know!



* Camera shakes on gunshots, melee attacks and dash added
* Camera shakes on all kinds of explosions and effects updated
* Camera pops on melee attacks, dash and explosions added
* Camera exposure effects on guns and explosions added
* Kickback on weapons added - pushing player backwards slightly while shooting
* Flash hit indication on monsters updated
* Damage numbers scale added - based on how heavy the attack is
* Dreadhunter hit by enemy complex indication effects added
* Dreadhunter hit by enemy sounds added
* Dreadhunter death sound added
* Damage sounds on explosions revised

Enemy density + stability fixes

We've been hunting bugs last couple days, hopefully the game is more stable now.
Also enemy density in first missions was improved for better first impression.

Combat improvements are next..


[VERSION 0.015]

* Enemy density in first 3 missions significantly improved
* Bug fixed - level up signalization not popping up for first level up
* Bug fixed - occasional incorrect player spawn point placement after entering a mission
* Bug fixed - rare dungeon generation fail with side paths leading to nowhere

Stash it in your stash

Too many items you want to keep? No problem anymore! We've just implemented a Stash feature where you can store items you don't want to sell or carry.

The new stash didn't work properly with our previous Inventory interface. We had to edit it in a way that all item management tabs (inventory, modding, market, stash) no longer change categories directly by simply hovering over them. Now, you'll need to click on each category first.

It's slower than simply hovering over them and seeing all items immediately, but the change provides more control and reduces unintentional category selections. Additionally, this change allows you to equip items directly in the Modding tab (not possible in the previous version) and makes the new Stash management manageable.


* Stash - extra inventory space for your items, accessible from the modding table on Dreadhunter's ship
* Inventory categories now have to be selected first to manage items in them
* Cargo Ship mission layout improved
* Dreadhunter is now Steam Deck verified
* Bug fixed - resolution changing on ROG Ally after waking up the device