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AutoForge News

Feedback/Suggestions Deep Dive

After over a dozen hours, I'm happy to say that I have read through every single feedback and suggestion post. First of all, I want to say thank you to every single person who took the time to make a post and contribute to those discussions. Instead of replying to each post individually I decided to write up this synopsis to give everyone an understanding of the general feedback and what we got planned.

Feedback overall is quite positive but there is lots of room for improvement! My feedback document has over 150 points through it covering just about every aspect of the game; however, some points were brought up much more often than others. I will be focusing on these but know that I have taken in every point of feedback made thus far.

[h2]Planned Changes[/h2]
[h3]User Interface (UI)[/h3]
Factory automation games are always heavy on the UI and getting any UI just right is a huge challenge. This will undoubtedly be an ongoing task as we work through Early Access. Here are some more impactful changes we're looking at making:
  • Left mouse button on a toolbar slot with an item in it will change your grabbed item to that toolbar item
  • Numbers! Input and output numbers will be added everywhere such as input item rate for assemblers, forge fuel burn rate, and so on.
  • Tooltips for all the things - we know some things are not obvious at a glance such as "Collection Range" and tooltips will be added for them
  • The research tech tree will be receiving major changes in the future

Inventory and item storage in general have some significant changes coming in the next few major patches.
  • Larger default inventory size
  • A few very important items will be treated more as a currency
  • The ability to turn off auto-stacking
  • New Mainframe upgrades that will grant an inventory trash and the ability to stack to/collect from nearby chests
  • Item stack sizes rebalanced - some will increase and others will decrease
  • More item container options

There are countless quality of life changes to make to improve moment to moment interactions. Here are some examples:
  • Foliage will automatically be destroyed when placing another block or transport tube/pipe on it
  • Targeted structures will flash white to help show what and when you target something
  • Dropped items (not by the player) will be picked up a little faster

[h3]Map and Zooming[/h3]
Huge changes are coming to how the map and zooming works. Here is a list of some of the changes we'll be making:
  • There will be more levels of zooming including something between the two most zoomed levels
  • Zooming out will no longer switch to map mode
  • Max zoom level will be reduced slightly
  • Map markers are being added for the player, resource deposits, and many other things

As with everything else, here are a few noteworthy changes we're planning to make to the controls.
  • All existing inputs will be made bindable
  • Escape while in map mode will exit map mode
  • Secondary input options
  • Jump time will be increased slightly to allow jumping up onto 8 blocks

[h2]Closing Thoughts[/h2]
This is not an exhaustive list as these are just some of the changes we have planned. Keep in mind that we're in Early Access and are a very small team so it may take some time to make some of these changes - but they are coming! We are excited to make these changes and to keep improving AutoForge with the community. Thank you again everyone for all of the feedback and suggestions!

Patch Notes for v0.2.17

Small patch to fix a critical issue!

  • Resolved crash when the UI element showing a tooltip is hidden while the tooltip is visible such as watching the progress of a Technology complete

Patch Notes for v0.2.16

Here's a small patch to help resolve some more critical issues. I snuck in a few smaller less risky changes in as well. Thanks all for your patience and sorry for these UI crashes - they've been much worse than I realized!

  • Resolved multiple crashes caused by the UI trying to do naughty things
  • Resolved a crash related to monster AI
  • Resolved issue with blocks sometimes being invisible
  • Resolved issue with automatic harvest method triggering when tool slot is empty
  • Resolved issue with block quantity not being displayed in interaction text
  • Add new setting to toggle if UI is automatically positioned or not
  • While firing the blaster it counts as "attacking" which means you cant do other actions at the same time
  • Reduced Mana II fuel amount to be better balanced with the newer Mana II recipe costs

Development Update - April Edition

[h3]We're continuing to work hard on AutoForge![/h3]
The first few weeks we were focused on pumping out patches to improve AutoForge. Now that things are mostly better we have shifted our attention to working on the first major update - Strange Encounters (v0.3). We've made some great progress on this already but there is still much more to do. While working on it, I do plan to simultaneously get in at least one or two more patches for 0.2 since I know there are a number of things that need some more immediate action.

[h3]Developer Livestream Feedback Event[/h3]
I have read over the feedback and suggestions on the Steam forums but honestly I have yet to go deep into all that has been posted on the AutoForge Discord server. I do truly appreciate everyone taking the time to share your thoughts and so I am now putting on an event this Friday at 10AM PDT. This will likely be an all day event where I will be streaming over on my Twitch channel as I go through each and every post. If you haven't already now is a great time to share your suggestions and feedback. I hope you can join!

Patch notes for 0.2.15

Quick little update to mostly fix a few issues that came up from 0.2.14. I'm aware of a few extra crashes that are happening due to 0.2.14 and am looking into them with some additional logging added to this update.

[h2]Resolved Issues[/h2]
  • Resolved issue with tile preview not working correctly
  • Resolved crash with UI when interacting with devices that have a fluid fuel such as Lava Forges and Reactors
  • Resolved issue with taking damage in emitted regions as if the region is not emitted

[h2]Performance Changes[/h2]
  • Significantly reduce logging during saving/loading which speeds up both by a significant margin

[h2]Quality of Life Changes[/h2]
  • Scaffolding can now be placed on the top blocks of a Mana Turret
  • When placing items, placing blocks, rotating things, and other similar actions the distance check is now for the entire block rather than the exact cursor position