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Zeta Leporis RTS News

Zeta Leporis RTS updated to v.

Note: This update breaks save file compatibility.


-Added VO for assimilation vessels. But didn't add assimilation vessels.
"That would be funny, if it weren't so sad."

-Added VO for capital ships.

-Added SFX for most structures.

-Added tech level 5 SRF researches to double resource collection rates.

-AI can now research the unit production speed upgrade at the SRF.

-Class C resource collectors can no longer be built by mechs one tech level too soon.

-Added "made in GameMaker" splash screen.

-AI structure losses no longer include structures cancelled before construction began (due to mechbot destruction).

-Destroyer, cruiser, and battleship yards can no longer be built past the shipyard limit.

-A selected unit will now always be displayed when selecting with a box selection.

Zeta Leporis RTS updated to v.


-Increased asteroid and fuel density in single player random map presets.

-Fixed statistics graphs not resetting properly when exiting the match statistics screen.

-Pressing the Escape key while in the pause menu no longer causes a crash.

Zeta Leporis RTS updated to v.


-Fixed newly introduced bug that made energy collectors stop recieving resources if being built during a tech level upgrade.

-Halved research times at the Engineering Research Facility.

-Mechbot VO now plays when selecting idle mechbots with the "I" key.

-AI can now build more energy collectors sooner.

Update Time (Finally!); Save System Refactor and Match Statistics!

Zeta Leporis RTS updated to v.

Note: This update breaks save file compatibility.

The first post-launch update for Zeta Leporis RTS has finally landed, with a rebuilt save system (which looks no different from the outside) and end-of-match statistics, as well as a smattering of other additions and bugfixes.


-Lengthened and made changes to the background music track "Machines Among Asteroids".

-Implemented match statistics which are displayed at match end.

-Fixed duplicate Steam screenshots being taken when pressing F12.

-Refactored save system and fixed issues with incorrect sprites being displayed when loading files saved in previous versions.

-Selected mechbots that are assigned to a construction project are now properly deselected when 'I' is pressed to select all inactive mechbots.

-Pressing CTRL+X with destroyed units selected no longer incorrectly decrements unit count.

-Fixed issue preventing AI from building frigate shipyards in tech level 3. Now they might, though they still can opt for more fighter or mech shipyards instead.

-Fixed a potentially crash-causing bug interfering with the AI's ability to finish constructing unfinished buildings.

-Fixed a bug causing mech shipyards to mess up the shipping lists.

-Improved shipping code to be more efficient.

-Improved the appearance of the mech and fighter shipyards.

-Decreased the map sizes in match presets and adjusted preset resource availability.

-Class C resource collector upgrades, and the Science Research Facility, are now not available until one tech level higher.

-Rebalanced ship stats: increased frigate ore cost and missile ship fuel cost, frigate HP increased, shield HP increased for smaller capital ships and reduced for larger capital ships.

-Animated and improved visibility of mechbots.

-Mechbots now always properly face their construction projects.

-Added slot numbers to empty spawn locations on the map preview in the single player menu.

-Fixed a crash caused by AI mechbots failing to locate a new construction project.

-GUI no longer becomes uninteractable if a selected mechbot is destroyed while placing a construction project.

-Added mechbot VO.

-Fixed crash that occured when pressing options menu arrow buttons.

Zeta Leporis RTS updated to v.


-All Steam achievements are now working.

-Added data structures for tracking unit kills, but didn't get them working with game saves yet.
The "And They Don't Stop Coming" achievement uses this, so currently kills from loaded games don't count toward the achievement. I'll fix this soon.

-Added differentiation between players not participating in the match and players eliminated from the match, to facilitate the logic of some of the achievements.